Girls Like Girls

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"I swear to god I'm going to quit this job," Jisoo exclaimed as she busted into the apartment.

"Well, don't quit it until you've got another job waiting, because I can't pay for this place by myself," Roseanne said, raising an eyebrow as she looked up from her place on the couch. She had her sketchbook on her lap. It was the first day that she'd drawn in a while, honestly, because she'd been going out with friends almost every day and working until late into the night only to sleep until late in the day. In most of her free time, she was talking to Lisa on the phone. Drawing had hardly crossed her mind actually, until she noticed her sketchbook laying on her desk, cold and untouched.

About an hour prior to now, Roseanne had settled herself into the couch with her sketchbook and let everything flow out of her onto paper. It was currently Thursday in the early afternoon, and Jisoo wasn't supposed to be home yet. Before Roseanne could inquire why she was home early, the brunette was already talking again. "You don't understand. Those assholes ask me to come into one of their fancy conference rooms and set up the new presentation system. Now, that's fine, it's my fucking job, right? So I go in, and I start hooking the whole thing up. I'm almost done when this asshole who's been in the room the whole fucking time goes, 'Oh actually, it needs to face this wall'. I'm like, alright, fine, he didn't realize, let me dismantle the whole fucking thing and face it the other way. Then one of his higher-ups comes in and freaks out, because they have a conference in half an hour and apparently the thing is facing the wrong way. So I try to tell him about the misunderstanding while I'm trying to turn it back around, and then this guy gets pissed off at me and tells me that I'm clearly too worked up and that I need to go home – and that they'll get one of the tech guys from one of the other floors of the building to do it."

Roseanne's jaw dropped. "Wait, seriously? Were you even snapping at him?"

"No! I was just explaining what happened with the asshole in the room, and he added in that someone else told him wrong and I was like 'Alright, well it still happened' and I don't know, the boss guy just got unreasonably mad about it. I'm pretty sure I might actually quit soon. I've got enough savings to spend a couple of weeks looking for a new job. And let's be honest, I don't do anything less than perfect when it comes to my work, so there's no way I'll have to look for a job for longer than a couple of weeks."

"I mean, if you think so," Roseanne said, nodding. "It sucks that you're so unhappy at your job anyway. Those people really don't deserve you as their tech manager or whatever your job is."

Jisoo rolled her eyes, but a small smile appeared on her face as she collapsed onto the opposite side of the couch. "Whatcha doing?"

"Just drawing," Roseanne answered, shrugging. "I haven't in a while."

"I would've thought that you'd be waking up right now," Jisoo admitted.

"Lisa called me a couple of hours ago before she went into work," Roseanne explained, shrugging.

"She still planning on coming down next weekend?"

A smile spread across the blonde's face involuntarily. "Yes. I'm excited."

"You should be," Jisoo said, smiling. "I'm really glad that you guys are working around this long distance thing. I don't think I've seen you as happy as you are recently in a while. I mean, when you exclude the crying part and the stress part. Like, when you're talking to her and about her, you light up so brightly and I just... I'm happy for you."

Roseanne grinned widely. "You gonna come to the bar with me tonight?"

Jisoo nodded. "Definitely. I could use so many drinks. Though, I should probably minimize how many I have to some degree, because if I'm still drunk when I get into work tomorrow, I will definitely quit."

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