Don't Think About It...

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"Ew! You're naked!" Roseanne heard, forcing her to peel her eyes open. Her gaze focused across the room, on her best friend. Jisoo was standing in her doorway, wearing an expression of fabricated disgust. This was not the first time that Jisoo had seen Roseanne naked.

The blonde was actually surprised that she wasn't under the blankets. She was freezing. "Mmhmm."

"I swear, if I hadn't heard you calling out your girlfriend's name last night, I would've thought that someone was actually in here with you," Jisoo teased. "Phone sex really that good?"

"Leave me alone," Roseanne whined. "Your stupid movie choice made me really horny."

"Yeah, that's what made you horny. You and Lisa better spend a whole day rolling around in her big, expensive New York bed next weekend."

"That sounds nice," Roseanne murmured. "Why are you waking me up?"

"Oh, no reason. Good morning!" Jisoo chimed, grinning teasingly. The blonde huffed, picking up her pillow and covering her face with it. "No, but really, you should go to work today. I feel like a drink anyway. And you know that you're the only bartender I drink from."

"That's not true," Roseanne muttered, pushing the pillow away now as she sat up and searched the ground for her discarded pajamas.

"Yeah, it is."

"How about when I was in Europe? When you let that creepy asshole serve you drinks?"

"I was desperate," Jisoo claimed. "Anyway. You missed work yesterday because of me, and I feel bad. So you go into work, I'll buy a drink from you, and then we'll be even. Oh, and I'll give you your Paris necklace back."

Roseanne looked up at her friend, pausing her task of getting dressed. "Wait, you have it again?"

"You never wear it, Park! I wore it when Wendy and I went to the mall yesterday," Jisoo explained, digging her hand into her pocket and producing the necklace. "It's really cute. You have good taste."

"Thanks," Roseanne deadpanned dryly, finishing putting her clothes on and then grabbing the piece of jewelry. "I'll go into work today. But that doesn't really mean you need to wake me up at eight in the morning."

"I know," Jisoo said, smiling widely, "but I woke up early for some reason, and I can't just hang around this place by myself. And it's nine, not eight."

"Can you at least make something for breakfast?"

"You got it, roomie!" Jisoo agreed, grinning and then turning and leaving Roseanne's room. The blonde sighed in relief and then stripped off her clothes - again. She needed a shower.


"Solbin!" Jisoo exclaimed excitedly as she and Roseanne both noticed their friend entering the bar. Behind her was the whole gang - Minhyun, Seokjun, Sehun, Jackson, and Wendy. "Whoa, and everyone else . Were we planning Roseanne's intervention today or something?"

"What?" Roseanne demanded, furrowing her eyebrows.

"She's bluffing," Jackson called, rolling his eyes. The six new arrivals crowded around Jisoo at the bar, and Roseanne didn't even have to ask them for their drink orders.

"Thought you didn't work Sundays, Rosie?" Seokjun asked, tilting his head and looking pointedly at her.

"I usually don't," Roseanne answered, shrugging and passing him a beer. He nodded his thanks. "But I took off yesterday, so. And I'm taking off next weekend too."

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