Don't Think About It

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Roseanne had her feet tucked under her as she flipped through different TV channels. It was Saturday, but she wasn't working until five and Jisoo had disappeared to go run some mysterious errand. Roseanne had been trying to find something to watch, but after suffering through two painful hours of some random documentary on the History channel, she was now nearly bored to death.

Just as she was about to give up and take a nap, the door to the apartment opened and Jisoo came in, speaking into her phone. "Yeah, I'll do it on Monday. Yep. No, don't worry about it. I've gotta go, yeah you too. Bye."

"Who was that?" Roseanne asked curiously, raising an eyebrow.

"Work," Jisoo answered dismissively.

Roseanne blinked. "They're calling you on weekends now too?"

"No, it wasn't a big deal. Don't worry about," Jisoo insisted. Roseanne decided not to question it and instead folded her arms over each other on the back of the couch and propped her chin on them as her best friend walked into the kitchen. "Have you eaten lunch yet?"

"No. I've been trying to find something to watch on TV, because you left me all morning for whatever errand you had."

"I'm sorry," Jisoo said, shrugging. "Well, you wanna go out then and get something? I don't think we have any good food here."

"No, really?"

Jisoo rolled her eyes. "Alright, Miss Sarcasm. Go get your ass in some real clothes and let's go get food."

"These clothes are real."

"Yeah, real ugly," Jisoo called as Roseanne disappeared into her room.

"Give me a break, Jisoo, I don't change into nice clothes just to sit around all day," Roseanne exclaimed, slightly exasperated but not able to be fully. She was used to Jisoo's antics after all of these years anyway.

Half an hour later found them in a cafe, food in front of them. "So, I talked to Jennie today," Jisoo said lightly, avoiding Roseanne's curious gaze.


"She started packing for Texas yesterday. Apparently Lisa is taking it kind of hard."

"Yeah, we talked yesterday," Roseanne replied, "and she's definitely bummed out about the whole situation. Which I don't really blame her for, I mean, if you were moving to Texas, I'd be pretty goddamn upset."

"Oh yeah, no definitely," Jisoo agreed, nodding profusely. "I don't blame her in the slightest. It just makes me feel like I hardly have the right to be even a little upset about it."

Roseanne furrowed her eyebrows. "Huh?"

"I've known her for literally a week, Rosie," Jisoo said, crossing her arms for a moment before undoing them in order to take another bite of her food. "And sure, we clicked and then made out and then slept together and then cuddled and now we've been texting all week... but it's not the same. And I feel like it's unfair for me to miss her."

"That's not unfair," Roseanne insisted, shaking her head. "I mean, obviously you won't and probably can't miss her on the same level that Lisa is going to miss her, because they've known each other for a long time. But, for you... with Jennie came an opportunity to be with someone – something that you haven't gotten very often. And it's with someone who you click with and who you've already felt the spark thing with. It's perfectly fair for you to miss her and be upset that she's getting even further away."

Jisoo took another bite of her sandwich and then sighed. "Ugh, when did we become so boring, Roseanne?"

"What do you mean boring?"

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