Stay With Me

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"You really have a lot of stuff, Lisa," Roseanne huffed, dragging over the next box.

"You don't have to help," Lisa insisted. "You can sit on the bed and just look pretty if you want."

Roseanne rolled her eyes, a smile tugging at her lips. "Your mattress is still propped up against the wall, Lisa. I'm pretty sure I don't want to just sit on the bed frame."

"So let me empty all of my clothes into my closet and you can go push the mattress onto the bed," Lisa suggested, grinning at the blonde. Roseanne glanced down at the box she'd just opened, and her eyes darkened.

"Wait, no, it's fine. I'll do this box."

Lisa narrowed her eyes. "What's in the box?" Roseanne giggled as she grabbed a fistful of Lisa's panties and raised them up out of the box, and Lisa's face flushed. "Put the underwear down, babe, I'm getting that box."

"Fine," Roseanne muttered, giving in and standing up as she dropped the panties back into the box. "So did all of my friends know that you were moving here before I did?"

"Yes, but only Jisoo by more than a few hours. The rest of them found out when they came to help me empty the U-Haul pod thing," Lisa answered, dropping her underwear and lingerie into one of the shelves of her closet. "I kind of feel bad that they all knew before you, but at least you didn't have to help with the box moving."

"Just the box emptying," Roseanne agreed with a smile. She grabbed the mattress and pulled the top of it from where it was leaning against the wall, carefully pulling it toward the bed and somehow making it fall over perfectly onto the frame. "I'm tired."

"Of course you are," Lisa commented, smirking a little.

"Hey, you don't get to make fun of me for being tired. You're literally always sleeping."

"Except, not literally."

Roseanne huffed, collapsing onto the bare mattress and staring up at the ceiling. "I can't believe that you live here. This feels like a dream."

"It's not," Lisa stated unnecessarily from where she was still seated on the floor, going through her boxes of clothes. They'd gone through the kitchen boxes already, and after a good few hours of work, they were about halfway done with the whole task.

"Thank goodness," Roseanne breathed out. "If I woke up and it had all been a dream, I'm pretty sure I would die."

"Well, we can't have that, can we?" Lisa asked, raising an eyebrow as she stood up, drawing Roseanne's gaze. "How about some food?"

"You actually have food here? Already?"

Lisa blushed a little. "I may have prepared a little bit for this very moment. I just bought takeout from some place that Jisoo said was good."

"I have no objections," the blonde said happily, accepting the hand that her girlfriend was extending down to her. She got up off of the bed and let Lisa lead her out of the bedroom and back into the unpacked kitchen. Roseanne sat at one of the two bar stools that Lisa had at the island counter, while the latter made her way to the refrigerator. "What'd you get?"

"I think it's Chinese food?"

"Wow, you sure trust Jisoo a lot," Roseanne said, snickering. "Though considering that I like Chinese food, I'd say it could be worse. She could've told you to go get Indian food."

"You don't like Indian food?"

The blonde scrunched her nose. "Not particularly."

"Noted," Lisa said, chuckling as she located two plates from one of the cabinets and poured food out onto them. Roseanne watched as she put the plates into her microwave and put it on reheat before turning, leaning on the counter, and meeting the brown gaze. "What?"

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