Come With Me

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"So," Roseanne said into her phone, "this weekend is the weekend Jennie leaves."

"Yeah," Lisa confirmed, sighing. "She's actually leaving tomorrow to give her some more time to get everything together. She wants a chill day on Sunday before having to start working. I don't really blame her. I'm seeing her off tomorrow morning."

"So are you alright?" Roseanne's voice was soft as she leaned into her pillow and frowned. She knew that it had to be at least somewhat upsetting for her girlfriend that Jennie was moving halfway across the country.

"I'll be okay," Lisa answered.

Roseanne fiddled with her blanket and then it occurred to her that while it was eleven in the morning on a Wednesday and she was still in bed, Lisa should've been at work. "Are you at work right now?"

"Ah, no. I'm actually not working at all this week," Lisa admitted.

"Oh, why?"

"You know. Been helping Jennie finish packing up her apartment and making sure it's all nice and polished for the landlord so she doesn't get any flack about it when she's in Texas and can't do anything about it," Lisa answered. "It's nice to get off from work again, though."

"Gotcha." Roseanne furrowed her eyebrows a little. "So what are you doing this weekend?"

"Oh, I have some things to take care of," the brunette said quickly, causing Roseanne to raise an eyebrow. "Speaking of. Jennie needs me to go pick up food for us to eat for lunch so. I'll call you tonight?"

"Yeah, sure," Roseanne agreed, frowning a little. "I get off at midnight."

"Okay, love you!"

"Love you too." The line ended, and Roseanne dropped her phone with a sigh. She couldn't help but wonder if something was up with her girlfriend. It was possible, of course, that she was just working through Jennie leaving. But what if it was something else? After spending five minutes or so trying to figure it out, Roseanne just decided that it must be the fact that Jennie was moving, and finally pulled herself out of bed.

Roseanne exited her room and started as she noticed her best friend sitting on the couch, looking with concern at her phone. "Hey, shouldn't you be working?"

Jisoo looked up, eyes widening a little in surprise. "Oh, yeah I took today off."


"Have some errands I have to run."

Roseanne crossed her arms. "Can I come with? I don't have anything to do until work tonight."

"Um, it'll probably take longer than that, honestly. So it might be best that you don't come," Jisoo answered, pocketing her phone and standing up from the couch. She grabbed her purse and fumbled through it for her keys. "I'll see you later."

"Wait, Jisoo, what's going on with you? You've been jumpy and kind of distant over the past week or so. Maybe even since Lisa and Jennie were here the weekend before last. So what the fuck gives?" Roseanne looked pointedly at her best friend, who sighed.

"Look, Roseanne. How about we talk about this tomorrow – I really have to get going. But I promise I'll talk to you about it tomorrow," Jisoo insisted, before giving Roseanne a quick wave and disappearing out the door.

Roseanne spent the rest of the afternoon up until her shift at the bar trying to figure out what was up with Jisoo. She kept having mysterious errands to run, and she'd been jumpy every time Roseanne tried to talk to her while she was on the phone. The blonde was starting to think that Jisoo had a secret girlfriend or something, but Roseanne was sure that Jisoo would've told her about anyone. She would, wouldn't she?

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