Chapter 38 - Manny's Reckoning

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When Larry and Laurent arrived at the dining table, Sofia had set out plates, glasses, silverware, and small serving plates of breakfast sausage links, bacon, scrambled eggs with chives and cheese, wheat toast, a carafe of orange juice, and a pot of Larry's special blend of coffee. The three sat, enjoying their breakfast.  There was small chit chat exchanged between them, but for the first time, it wasn't as comfortable as it had otherwise always been.  Even Sofia could sense a slight change in the mood between them. Larry and Sofia knew something was up.

They were about fifteen minutes into their breakfast. Each had eaten their fill when Larry asked, "What's that, Laurent?"  He was referring to the small device that lay next to Laurent's work and personal cell phones on the table.

"It's a recording device; just a small tape recorder."


"Mr. Laurent, is there something you wanted to talk to me and Mr. Larry about?"

Laurent sighed but didn't respond right away.  "Uh, yeah, Sofia."  His eyes darted towards Larry who was intently looking at him.  Laurent could already see the sadness and uncertainty brewing in their dark brown depths.

Larry slowly started to get up from his chair, picking up his half-eaten plate of food.  He wasn't sure he wanted to hear what Laurent had to tell them. "Are you finished, Laurent?"  Larry asked, reaching for Laurent's plate.

Laurent reached up, gently halting Larry's hand.  His eyes moved up, meeting the fear etched in Larry's. "Thanks, baby, but can the plate wait for now?"

Their eyes met and held.  Larry sat back down.  "Okay," he uttered.

Laurent looked from Larry to Sofia.  "Are you two finished eating?"

Larry nodded.

"Si, Mr. Laurent."

"Okay.  Why don't we go into the living room?"  Laurent wiped his mouth with his napkin before placing it aside.  He then got up from his chair, taking his phones and the recording device with him.  Larry and Sofia followed Laurent.  Each took a seat; Larry next to Laurent on the couch, Sofia in one of the chairs across from them, both looking intently at Laurent.  

"When I was in my office," Laurent said, "I received a call from my Chief."

"What did he want?" Larry asked.

"He called to inform me both will be going into temporary protective custody, starting tomorrow."

Larry gasped, and Sofia's expression became somber.  "Tomorrow? But...Laurent, what about my consultation with your attorney friend?"

"You're still going to get to have your consultation. I made sure of that." Laurent picked up the recorder. "I wouldn't have normally done this, but I had a feeling why my Chief was calling me, so I recorded some of our conversation.  I wanted to assure you both that your being placed in protective custody wasn't my idea.  I'd mentioned to you both though that there was a possibility it would happen.  I just want to be transparent with you." 

Laurent then pressed the Play button.  The three then listened intently to the recording.



"Good morning, Chief."

"Morning.  So, how's it going?"

"Good, Chief, everything's good."

"I heard the FBI interviews went well."

"Yeah, the agent told me the same. Can I help you with something, Chief?"

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