Chapter 45 - Does He Still, or Does He Not?

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Two days later, just in time for the long weekend, the moment Larry had been waiting and hoping for finally came.  He'd been notified the day before, on a Thursday, that he, Sofia, and Maria would be released from protective custody the following day, Friday, and that they would be transported back to Laurent's place.  They would finally be getting out of the safe house, and even better, he would be with Laurent again.  He could barely sleep that night; he was so excited.

Larry was up bright and early Friday morning at about 6:30 a.m., looking and feeling refreshed despite not having gotten much sleep the night before. Already showered, shaved, and packed, he was in the kitchen, now at 7:00 a.m. preparing their last breakfast at the safe house for him, Sofia and Maria.  There was a smile on his face.  Before the day was out, he'd be with Laurent again.  He was in his happy place. 

The two FBI Agents assigned to the safe house duty were also up and had become accustomed and looked forward to Larry and Sofia's tasty breakfasts.

Soon, Sofia and Maria entered the kitchen.  They too looked refreshed, were smiling, and happy to be leaving the safe house later that day. Sofia and Maria had made arrangements that instead of the FBI transporting Maria directly back to Miami, she'd requested that she be allowed to come with her sister, Sofia, to Laurent's house as she and Sofia wanted to travel together to Miami.  Her request and travel expenses were approved in that regard, and Maria paid for an airline ticket for Sofia online, with the assistance of one of the Agents. 

"Good morning, Mr. Larry," Sofia said, smiling as she and Maria joined him in the kitchen.  "You are up really early this morning.  Are you extra excited to be leaving here?"

"Good morning, Larry," Maria chimed in, chuckling at Sofia's comment.  As excited as Sofia and Maria too were about finally leaving their near month-long stay at the safehouse, they knew it held an extra special meaning for Larry. Despite their teasing, they were all aware of what and how much they said while at the safe house, knowing to some degree their words were being monitored.

"Good morning," Larry replied, joining them in the chuckling, as he shyly lowered his head.  

Sofia had thoroughly informed her sister, Maria, about who Laurent was, about all he'd done for them, and who he was to Larry.  She trusted her sister and knew, on her life, that her sister could be trusted with that information, and she wouldn't defy that trust. She wanted to inform her sister in part too so as not to unduly blow Laurent's cover to anyone outside their circle, nor anything about his and Larry's special relationship.  They knew, that if this information was exposed, it could be harmful to not only Laurent, but also the outcome of the case against Manny Sandoval; and they didn't want any of that to happen. 

But for Larry, in addition to all of the above, and missing Laurent so much, he was also wrestling with an ongoing demon...Doubt. But not on his part.  For weeks now, off and on, not hearing from Laurent as much as he'd wanted and needed to, Larry had been trying to dispel the persistent doubts gnawing at him, sometimes keeping him up at night.

In the time he and Laurent had spent away from each other, Larry couldn't help wondering, now that Manny was no longer a threat, and his divorce from Manny was pending, now that these obstacles were falling away, what would happen to his and Laurent's relationship? Could Laurent be starting to feel differently about him? Was that why he hadn't heard as much from Laurent? Maybe Laurent was done with playing his rescuer. Maybe Laurent thought he'd done enough, and Larry was now on his own. Not that he would blame Laurent, who'd done so much and had given him, and Sofia more than he'd ever be able to sufficiently repay. 

Larry had tried not to think this way. He loved Laurent so much and didn't want to lose him. Ever. Laurent was so important to his life, and now that Manny would soon be in his rearview, Larry wanted to spend the rest of his life with Laurent. But would he still have that chance?

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