Chapter 49 - Larry vs Manny

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The rest of the weekend had flown by, but it had been filled with fun. Laurent surprised Larry with a full day out that following day, Saturday morning.  The weather was brisk out, but bearable. It had snowed earlier, the remnants of which was mostly gone now having mostly melted down. But Laurent and Larry weren't going to let a little chill and some snow stop them. It was otherwise a beautiful, bright, sunny day, and they were eager to take advantage of it. At least that was the plan Laurent had for Larry.

After breakfast, they dressed warmly and left the condo. Larry was especially excited about being out and about again. It started with a more detailed tour of the city.  Laurent drove around the city giving his bunny a tour of nearby spots, to include a more closeup look of where he worked, the CIA building, as well as the downtown area near the condo and parts outside and around the city. Larry was so excited, looking around at all he was seeing of his new home city, to include many off-the-tourist paths that Laurent hadn't shown him and Sofia earlier.

Later, they parked, got out and strolled around, doing some light shopping.  Later, they had lunch at a quaint Italian cafe where they enjoyed slices of authentic, Italian-style pizza, and small Caeser salads washed down with steaming hot cocoa, with Larry adding small marshmallows to his. He was having so much fun.

From there, Laurent suggested they go see a movie, something Larry was especially excited about as he hadn't gone to see a first-run movie in an actual movie theater in well over a couple years. A popular action movie was on the marque. The theater was almost full. Larry was captivated by what he was seeing firsthand on the big screen, sitting among other people who, like him, were very much enjoying the movie.

It was the simplest thing, going to a movie theater, but one which Larry has had few opportunities to enjoy without being monitored.  Laurent was enjoying the movie too, but he got much more enjoyment from seeing how much Larry was enjoying it, as well as the rest of their day out and about. And though they'd enjoyed a fairly light lunch earlier, Larry wanted popcorn and soda stating to Laurent that he wanted the full movie-going experience. Laurent had chuckled at Larry's assessment, but was more than happy to oblige. He purchased a medium bag of the movie snack staple and a Sprite for Larry and a Coke for himself.

After the movie, they decided to stroll around a bit more before heading home. It was almost Spring.  Trees were starting to bud. With the remnants of snow still on the ground and the buds sprouting, there was a sweet, earthy scent in the air that was refreshing. Despite the chill in the air, the streets and roadways were active with people out and about enjoying the weekend.  Larry was excited.

Later, as they continued through their day, Larry and Laurent went in some shops while casually looking in the windows of others. Larry also marveled at historic sights and landmarks sprinkled along their path as they strolled along.

It was nearing 6:40 p.m.. They were both starting to tire a bit from the excitement of the day's activities, so Laurent and Larry headed back to the parking garage, got in Laurent's Mercedes and they headed home.

It had been the perfect day, and after they arrived back at the condo, Larry threw himself into Laurent's arms. "Thank you, Laurent," Larry said, smiling broadly. "I had so much fun."

Laurent too smiled broadly. "You're welcome, baby. I'm glad you enjoyed it.  I had fun too."

Larry took his packages to their bedroom. They changed into more casual clothing of loose t-shirts and sweatpants.  From there they spent much of the rest of the evening cuddling and making out on Laurent's long sofa while the TV played in the background. 

Later, Laurent turned off the TV and put on some soft jazz music that played throughout the house via his sophisticated sound system coming through the surround sound. It added to the sexy ambiance their make-out session was already creating. They continued cuddling, kissing, touching and stroking each other until they were both hot with lust. They mutually decided to slow things down a bit as neither wanted things to end too soon. They intended this to last a long time.

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