9 // frustration

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grocery shopping was never my thing,

it was always your thing;

however, my dislike towards it not once

stopped me from going with you.

what would've taken less than thirty

minutes took over an hour;

mainly because i was a distraction

towards your list.

you'd part ways from me to go to

the produce before sending me on

my way to the dry foods.

when i'd return, i'd quietly pace

the items in the basket and watch

you frown while examining each


you were so wrapped around

the expiration date you didn't

notice my presence until i'd come

up behind you and grab your butt.

although you turned around and

smacked my shoulder in annoyance,

i noticed you biting your bottom lip

holding back a smile.

to this day i still dread walking down

each aisle and waiting in line,

listening to the sounds of the scanners

reading the barcodes.

if i had it my way i would live off

of fast food and drive-thru diners

rather than a full fridge and

the only time i actually walked into

the grocer was when my mother was

in town and popped a gasket when

she'd open the fridge to see it empty.

then we'd end up here,

her on one side of the shop and me

on the other, attempting to read her

cursive writing and grab each item

she requested and demanded i'd

ought to have.

tapping my figure against the paper

i eyed the different creamers,

glancing between each different

brand. tapping my foot i groaned,

becoming irritated with myself

over the fact i could decide which

cream i was supposed to grab.

growing anxious i tossed both

of the creamers down in frustration.

i knew i had a scowl on my face and

looked like i was ready to explode

however the person beside my thought

otherwise by chuckling,

"never thought i'd see you here."

*** *** ***

AN// I need to stop updating the cover but I'm addicted to making them. Sorry for the lack of updates ! :-( I've been super busy with classes, school has completely taken up my life. I'm not sure when the next update will be but I'll try and update as much as I can, when I have the free time. xx

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