15 // binge

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lunch with my mother went rather well

after you both succeeded in making an

excellent lunch; of both our favorites,

pasta dish.

as the topic of discussion continued between

you and my mother, and myself every

so often, i watched as  you continued to

pour yourself a glass of wine.

with each pour you chewed on your bottom

lip, debating with your mind if you should

tilt the bottle over and pour its contents into

your glass.

the red liquid swirled in the crystal glass

while you brought it to your lips, giving

into its temptation and forgetting for a second

that you were hesitant towards the beverage

in the first place.

after the fourth glass you held in your hand

and helping me wash dishes, you dismissed

yourself claiming you had to return home.

for a good five minutes you fought against

my demands to drive you home; but once

you realized you couldn't walk in a straight

line or manage the buttons on your phone for

a cab, you gave in and took my hand in yours.


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