26 // parting

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the sun was beginning to set

and i barley finished the floor set

up in my gallery.

for months i had planned

to have a showcase with every

painting from the last year.

a presentation of what was

gained, lost, accepted, and

finally let go.

pulling my book bag over

my shoulder i held on to the

strap so the mini canvases inside

wouldn't slid out of the open zipper.


i knew your voice, i could make it

out anywhere even if we were

in a crowd and i couldn't pinpoint

you face.

i continued down the side walk in

the direction of my apartment

without flinching or turning in

your direction.

"i talked to bradley," you said.

i could hear the bottom of your

boots scrapping across the pavement

as you sped up to my back.

"yeah?" i said, turning around and

plastering a grin along my face.

your eyes searched mine in question,

stunned from my gleeful expression.

"he answered your door," you nodded

and i shook my head. "the door

i've been knocking on for the last five


i tilted my head to the side, "you have?"

your lips pressed into a thin line

while your eyes narrowed in slits.

your jaw clenched and the veins along

the side of your forehead throbbed.

"you're really going to play that

fucking game," you spoke letting

out a laugh.

i narrowed my eyes then softened

them before you could notice the

change. i shifted in place and gripped

the strap of my bag.

"i didn't know you knocked on my

door, i would've answered." bullshit.

you let out a laugh, your eyes gleaming

with muse, "we're really going to go

back to this now are we?"

i didn't bother to stop myself from

shooting daggers into your eyes,

"we're not i'm leaving."

"you're so bipolar brooklyn,"

he yells following behind me,

"just weeks ago we were fine,

we were having lunch with my mom,

everything was fine."

i closed my eyes and breathed in,

exhaling in a sigh.

"we weren't landon," i said softly

turning around, "we were never fine...

and we never will be..."


"just keep doing what you're doing

and i'll keep doing what i'm doing,

as if we never came across each other

in that shop."

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