19 // vanish

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six days passed since i saw or heard from you.

you didn't come into the shop for your daily cup

of tea nor did i run into at the grocery store.

when i wrapped you up on your couch and

left a goodbye note beside you,

i assumed and hoped my departure was

only temporary for the night being.

i contemplated showing up at your doorstep

but thought against it.

would you answer if i rang or called out

your name while pounding my fist against

the door?

or would you pretend no one was home

or instead, dismiss me all together and tell

me to go away.

i often found myself strolling near your

apartment building in hopes, that maybe,

just maybe, i'd catch you in a rush coming out

of the two glass doors.

with a blink of an eye you were right in front of me

and with the snap of a finger, you were nowhere to

be found.

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