39 // present

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my body moved faster than my mind.

one minute i was standing on the tower

watching your shadow and then the

next, my feet were moving underneath

me, kicking sand in the air as i ran

after you.

"brooklyn," i yelled while gasping

for air to catch my breath.

you froze in place then slowly turned.

i caught up to you and placed my

hands on my knees, slouching over

as i caught my breath. i noticed a small

smile on your lips while you quietly

laughed, which made me believe that

maybe things could be okay.

"you can't just walk away like that,"

i stood up straight.

"landon-" you pressed and i shook my

head, "no, you already talked, it's my turn."

"you said you've moved on from

the past but you haven't, because if

you didn't you wouldn't have came to

the tower, you wouldn't have given me

one glance, and you wouldn't be doing

the same exact thing i did to you."

you shot me daggers and if looks could

kill, i'm sure you would have been rolling

my dead body out to sea right about now.

you then closed your eyes and tilted your head

back to look up towards the star filled sky.

a heavy sigh echoed in the back of your throat

while you let your head fall back down, watching

your feet wiggle underneath the sand.

your brows were knitted together in

thought and i could tell you were in war

with your mind by the way your lips

were moving furiously.

you nodded your head then looked

up at me, "tomorrow at seven,

building five on broadway and

fifth, the third floor, be there."

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