Chapter 31: Hotel Carbello

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Sorry for disappearing I was just taking my annual depression leave.
I Hope this chapter makes your day better.


A week had passed.
I found it almost humorous that I had gathered the self restraint to prevent myself from opening the paper and revealing all of Slavi's details considering that they details would've allowed me to grow one step closer to avenging my blood.
I was oblivious as to why he wouldn't let me open it, what were we to wait for? Time passes quickly and people accomplish so much in such short time. All Slavi was doing in that time was growing further away from us and we were letting him.
What baffled me most was that I had listened to Damien, something I probably had never done before. I couldn't tell you why, hell I couldn't tell myself why?
I had the keys to my fate in front of me but at his command I rejected them. Is this what I've become? Surely this wasn't a weakness.
I had a million questions as to why I'm doing what I'm doing yet none of them dared to be answered. Perhaps it was as simple as trust.
That where I trusted him enough to know that his orders were in my interest.

I won't turn a blind eye to our mutual lust, I'm aware that beyond our hatred there is some part of him that I've fallen in love with and I know he's fallen for that same part of me though I'm sure that couldn't be easily admitted. Humorous how he is the dominant thought in my mind yet I haven't given much of my time to understand us. I think of him, always but never us. Perhaps it's because of that night at my apartment, the night where he promised to break me if he ever loved me. In all honesty, I wasn't sure if I could be broken by him but maybe my love is my weakness, I knew he could hurt me in ways that I'd never been hurt before and that didn't scare almost excited me.

Every part of him excites me and every element that could be us excites me. The feelings, the mystery. All of it. I'd be lying if I said I didn't desire all of it.
The suspense of giving him all of me and waiting to be ruined was euphoric, like I would find joy in the physical pain of my heart when he broke it because at least then I could say that it was all worth it.
If he hurt me, it would all be worth it.

Lately I had found myself carrying the note everywhere, waiting for him to say I can open it. It wasn't any different at the breakfast table.
"Just one Milo." I once again try to get this shithead to eat some food. She shakes her head aggressively.
"If you don't eat it I will drown your bunny in the toilet." I threaten her.
"Can I see?" She asks me.

I sigh perplexed, turning my vision to Damien who can't help but suffer with that smirk on his face. He relieves his seat, walking over and crouching beside her.
"Milo bubba, can you take a bite please?" He asks her tapping gently on the tip of her nose.
She listened to him. SHE listened to HIM?
"Thank you." He kisses her forehead returning to his rightful place on the table.
"Take another bite bitch." I roll my eyes refilling the spoon from the bowl.
"No." She fights back.
Where's my birth control?

Damien informed Marcello and Cebrian of some clearly important news as their face lit up in immense rage or perhaps it was worry. Regardless, they armed themselves well with guns and were out the door without room for objection. Malachai was nowhere to be found and though I know that Damien is strict when it comes to his men's whereabouts, he gave my brother the benefit of the doubt. I didn't have it in me to worry, he does this a lot. Disappears though I know he's never leave me without a good reason so I always let it slide.

"I have to go and kill p-." Damien pauses realising Milo is listening.
"Do some things." He corrects himself.
"Wait no? I'm not babysitting. What the fuck? I have a life Damien." I raise my eyebrow at him.
"Really Tallia? What is it that you have to do?" He smirks.
"Kill you." I mutter so only I could hear.
"Milo, do you wanna spend the day with Tallia?" He smiles at her and she nods ecstatically.
Fuck off.

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