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George pov

It's been 3 days since she has been awake, I just want her to wake up again to tell her I'm sorry for never being there for her. Our dad has not left her side since we got into the hospital. He doesn't want anyone other than family in the room. The beeping machine gave me so much anxiety as the thought of her flat lining crossed my mind, tears fell down my cheeks slowly. " Son I have to tell you something..." I turned to my dad for him to continue.

"I know I haven't been the best dad since your mother died but this is an awakening for me..... ' he started to cry ' if your sister ever wakes up I promise I will be a better dad, make an attempt everyday. I've missed so much of you twos life's and seeing hers almost come to an end I want to be there now." He said tears flowing down his face like a river, he looked terrible honestly but I believe him. I walked up behind him and hugged him as we cried....


I started opening my eyes to bright light, I heard beeping machines and sobbing. My eyes opened all the way and I looked around the hospital room. My eyes landed on the two crying boys, George and our dad, which where hugging. It was a beautiful sight to see if they didn't both look like shit.

" Awww" I said softly because my throat was dry. They both turned to me and tackled me in a hug. " Hello to you to." I said and they laughed. " I love you y/n" my dad said and I squeezed his hand. " Love you too dad" " your actually awake!!" George exclaimed wiping tears from his eyes. " Yeah" was all you could say. They pulled away from you and let the doctor check on you with all that jazz. " Alrighty Miss Not Found you are all good to go home!" The doc said.

You got all of your stuff and hopped in the car. " Are you kids hungry?" Dad asked. " Yes I'd kill for a bacon cheeseburger with Cola and a sprite, fries and ranch right about now." I exclaimed. We all laughed and drove to the Minecraft dinner. I liked this day already.

( 388 words )
So my grandma died.
Love you all so so much and see you soon loves

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