Chapter 25

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Rachel's POV 

"I honestly thought you and Blake were dating," I said looking at Deana in shock. "How does this friends with benefits thing work?"

Deana sighed and her eyes filled with sadness. "Just don't do it. Don't ever do it. It always ends in someone catching feelings and now I'm stuck kinda loving the guy, well sort of. It's complicated. I care for him a lot but my feelings are always swaying. I just don't understand," she said with her voice unsteady.

Julia reached over for the chocolate covered strawberries and popped one in Deana's mouth. "Oh cheer up, he'll come around. He already acts like your boyfriend so don't rush with the labels."

It was around 6pm and we were back home from our girls' day. I finally got my drivers' license so I took the liberty of driving us to the mall with my precious new car all thanks to my Alexander. We ditched going for a movie and instead settled on shopping, eating, getting our hair and nails done as well as going to the park to take some pictures for Deana's Instagram. She had over 400 000 followers so Julia often called her an influencer.

We were now enjoying our time in the hot tub that was attached to the pool while drinking some champagne and eating chocolate covered strawberries.

Deana huffed frustrated. "I'm not sure if he only sleeps around with me but I have to confess," she looked at us intently.

"I went out with Jacques the other night and know," Deana mumbled and started playing with the water.

Julia gasped loudly while her eyes went big. "Holy fuck, Deana! You slept with the Frenchie?"

"Frenchie? Who's Jacques?" I asked.

"Jacques Lemeiux. Well more like Monsieur Jacques Lemeiux and sometimes Professor Jacques Lemeiux. He's a benefactor for the fashion students at the institute since he owns one of the leading fashion brands in the world. Totally gorgeous, handsome and very French. Sometimes he comes in and helps the fashion students with crash courses. But like I was saying – Holy fuck, Deana!" Julia let out while Deana cowered away in shame.

"And the worst part is, I don't regret it," she whispered with a little guilty smile. "I care for Blake. I thought I loved him at one point. I'm really not sure. But Jacques... he made me feels things no man has ever managed to," Deana said dreamily.

I took a sip of my champagne and turned to Deana. "So you basically slept with your teacher and you'd do it again?" She nodded with a little bit of shame in her eyes but I could tell that she felt more for this Jacques professor as well.

Just then, Julia's phoned beeped with a notification. "Boys will pick us up in two hours. Let's go get ready. Amir is designated driver so the rest of us can get wasted tonight!" she cheered and stood up.

We all stepped out and wrapped the towels around us. "I'm just going to see Alexander for a few minutes and I'll be right with you guys. Go ahead and shower in the meantime."

"Remember what I said, Mrs Viotto-Ashford," Julia wiggled her eyebrows at me. I nodded shyly and made my way to the study with the towel wrapped securely around me.

Men love it when you run your nails down their back and gently scratch and claw when he's fucking you

My nails were extra long with the acrylic extensions and it was a deep red colour with a glossy finish. 'Sexy slutty nails' as Deana described and managed convincing me to be bold for a change. 

I entered Alexander's study without knocking and closed the door behind me. However I was surprised to find that there was a man sitting across him. Both of them drinking a glass of what I had got to know was bourbon.

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