You're All On Your Own And You Lost All Your Friends

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(TRIGGER WARNING: SUIBATING MENTIONS [telling someone to off themselves])

"What?! No! I don't have feelings for him, I was just defending him!"

Jane narrowed her eyes, "From what? He's not even here to hear it. What's the point in defending him?"

Max and Lucas seemed to catch wind of Mike's growing anger and cut him off before he was able to say something really mean. "It doesn't matter if he's here or not, moron. You shouldn't be talking about him like that whatsoever. No matter the situation," Lucas crossed his arms.

"And now you're also worshiping the ground he walks on? The grasp he has on you guys is fascinating. What is it about him that makes him soooo interesting?"

"Your head must be really far up your ass if you think we're in love with someone just for not wanting you to literally tell them to kill themselves. It's literally the bare minimum."

"Not even the bare minimum," Max added, "you shouldn't have said it period."

"Jesus Christ- how many times do I have to say this? I was joking. Both him and you guys are taking it way too seriously."

Mike stood up and pointed his finger in her face, "No, actually, you're taking it way too lightly! He opened his heart up to us and this is how you repay him?! You're so lucky he's kind, if I experienced what he had you guys would be in the hospital on life support by now. I should've never agreed to this stupid dare. I'm just as bad as you guys, if not worse, for being the one to play with his feelings." He snatched his lunchbox from the table and stormed off.

Lucas stood up a few seconds after Mike disappeared down the hallways, "We all fucked up in this mess, but you made it worse. What if he actually did it?" The teen then left the table, leaving the two girls alone. Jane gave Max a pleading stare, but the redhead didn't match her stare.

"I just can't look at your face right now. You used to be so kind and sweet, I don't wanna know what happened," Max sighed and followed after her boyfriend. Jane sat in the spot at the table where she sat everyday, but this time she was alone.

This time there was nobody to talk to.

This time the lunchroom was full except for her table. Different conversations buzzed around her, nobody seeming to give her any attention. The brunette picked at her food, staring down at the barely edible slop.

Did she regret what she said to Will? A little bit. It was very harsh. But he was the one blindly trusting strangers at school, so that had to justify her actions. The more she kept on trying to tell herself that it wasn't her, it's them, the more ashamed she felt. Nobody ever seems to understand her. She remembered the face Will made when he was about to cry. How his cheeks turned a bright red, how genuinely heartbroken he looked. The expression had haunted her.

"Crybaby," she muttered to herself , beginning to eat her lunch.

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