Go Get Your Man, Mike!

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AN: I love the ongoing joke (idk if it's a joke atp because it seems pretty canon) in the fandom that Jonathan HATES Mike 💀 idk why it's just so funny and silly?? What you've all been waiting for, Mike trying to court Will like the adorable dork he is <3!!

Mike rode his bike all the way to the Byers household. His heavy backpack slowed the journey down a bit, but he still was able to get there (despite fighting for breath on his ex boyfriends doorstep). He pounded heavily on the door before a tired and disheveled looking man answered for him.

"Hi! Uh, who are you?" Mike tried to be as polite as possible.

"Jonathan. And you are?"

He felt his heart drop. Oh. This was the guy that Nancy was practically drooling over. Well, better now than never! He disguised his realization with a bright and charming smile. "Mike Wheeler! It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Oh, you. I've heard a lot about you."

"Good things I hope?" Mike chuckled. Jonathan only gave him a killer side eye. "Is Will home?" He quickly changed the subject. Jonathan shook his head with a grunt. This dude literally looked like he was trying to explode him with his mind. Were all of Will's family members this hateful?

"He's out with his friends. He'll be back in a few hours."

"Ah...uh, alright!" Mike nodded. "Well, see you around!"

He was responded with a half-assed wave to Mike then slammed the door shut. Wheeler got back on his bike and started the trail all the way back to his own house.

Goddamn! That stare was a killer! Must be genetics; Mike decided. Will had a murderous glare as well. Luckily he'd never have to see it ever again.


The next day at school, Mike and Max were on their way together to the cafeteria. Well, Mike thought they were going to the cafeteria. The redhead gave him an excuse that they're taking the scenic route. Mike shrugged it off. She's always been weird like that anyway.

Oh, 'scenic route' his ass! This was a plot to get Will and him in the same room together! Why else would the rest of his friends and ex boyfriend all conveniently be in the same empty classroom to eat lunch?! He gave Max an angry look but she only gave a snarky smile back.

"Maxine Mayfield," he snapped warningly. Will looked up from the drawing he was showing Dustin and stared at Mike in surprise. "Hey! Will! Uh, how are you doing?" His tone instantly softened. Will looked over at Dustin for seemingly an explanation, the latter only gave him a short nod and knowing look.

"...I'm doing...fine?" Will sounded like he was treading carefully on his words, as if anything he said would set off an explosion within Mike.

"That's great! What're you drawing?"

Will hesitantly showed him an extremely detailed drawing of a dragon, accompanied with cute little doodles of medieval looking characters interacting with said dragon and each other. Mike found himself lost in the drawings beauty, almost forgetting to respond. "That's so cool! Speaking of dragons, actually, I got you this thing and I think you'd really like it!"

Will perked up the slightest bit. "Huh? You got me something? Why?"

"I just...felt like it." What else could he say? Telling his ex boyfriend that he suddenly gained a giant whopper crush on him would seem kinda sketchy, right?

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