Nigthmare's poly gang: Le birth

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"Fucking hell," dust hissed as he let his magic work and make the body of a kid.

"At least you don't have to push it out like human women do," Cross tried to comfort the other.

"IT STILL HURT IDIOT," Dust screamed as the child's body was formed. His ecto body was dismissed and a kid was laying on his spine fully made and ready to be a headache for its parents. Error gently wrapped the kid in a blanket and gave it to its tired mother. Dust took it kissed its head and passed out. Error took it and gave it to lust. The father. Lust was shocked that he managed to impregnate someone. That never happened in his AU. Error had smiled at this shocked face and showed the other how to take care of the kid. Error turned to Nightmare

"This will be you in half a year," Error said. Nightmare sighed. He hated the idea but dang, the kid was cute. Lust proudly showed the rattling little kid around while nursing them. The kid fell asleep in its father's embrace and was placed by the mother. It was cute. The next few days were spend tending to and caring for the mother while keeping the kid alive and teaching the parents how to take care of their baby. It was nice and even though the months passed by quickly didn't it mean it wasn't hard. The six-month-old was a little troublemaker. His magic was a bit more than average and could easily use Blue magic. Error turned out to be the best caregiver for the kid. He became the third parent in that relationship but honestly, everyone was a parent just not necessarily biological parents. The day came where nightmare had to give birth. Dream was waiting in another room while Dust and Error were in there to assist because one had personal experience the other knew better than anyone how to care for the newborn skeleton. Nightmare didn't scream or show any signs of pain until the ecto body was dismissed. He let go of a breath and cursed once before passing out. Error took care of the newborn while Dust took care of the new mother. Nightmare woke after five minutes and got to hold his kid.

"Get the dad," Nightmare told Error. The god shrugged went to the hallway where the brother and lovers were waiting and Dragged in Cross.

"Is something wrong?" Cross asked.

"Nightmare asked for the father so I'm bringing you," Error said. Cross looked at an exhausted Nightmare holding a little Skeleton baby in his arms. Cross walked over there and smiled he had tears rolling down his cheeks as he was given his kid a little life he created. Nightmare smiled and then decided to sleep. The rest of the family was allowed in. Dream was looking at his nephew happily.

"Can I hold them?" He asked Cross.

"I don't know if Nightmare is okay with that maybe once he wakes," Cross said Lust entered with his son. The little kid opened its eyes they had crosses eye color but both eyes were shaped like moons. Error smiled. This was nice and calm. He wanted a kid that was his but he needed to have sex to get that and well he did not want to do that. A smile was placed on his face as the newborn started to cry and no matter what Cross did would it not calm down. Error took over showed Cross how to hold them and also let the child know it was safe. The kid settled down in its father's embrace.

"How did you know how to calm them?" Dream asked. Error smiled.

"Out of everyone here I'm the one best suited to be a mother," error said not directly answering the question.

"He took care of every single Chara in existence and sometimes still do," Killer said. Dream looked dumbfounded. Error showed Cross how to care for the baby using Dust's and Lust's son. Everyone left so the new mother could rest while the father took care of the kid. everyone walked to the living room and sat down. Dream had noticed the jealousy in the room as the other set of parents left to prepare their kid for a nap.

"You all want children, don't you?" Dream asked them. They didn't answer but He knew the answer was yes.

"Are you trying?" Dream asked.

"Would be if I didn't have trauma related to sex," Error said. Dream went quiet for a moment before he remembered something.

"You know Sci and Outer conceived a kid through nursing one another as one would nurse a newborn," Dream said. All three perked up at that.

"So there are other ways than sex?" Horror asked.

"Apparently," Dream said. Dream soon left and Lust had called Sci to confirm after he was told of what Dream said.

"It is possible and easier to get pregnant this way, one can also have more than one father this way," Sci had said. To say that the group was ecstatic was an understatement. Error got pregnant after a year he was so starved that the nursing only feeds him at the start that was even though he ate daily meals. He still helped with the other babies to his lover's protest. All in the poly group loved all the children so when they found out Error was carrying twins. Life became more exciting with the oldest beginning to crawl and speak and the Girl Nightmare gave birth to was starting to smile. Error's due day came and they knew who the fathers were. He gave birth without feeling any pain due to his high tolerance. The twins were adorable and the others were let in. Dust's carried his son to Error and showed him the skele-babies.

"These are your little siblings," dust said. Error showed the small faces to the boy.

"Thewy don't have awms," The baby bone said. The adults chuckled.

"They do it's just under the blanket," Killer said. The baby bones were placed by Error.

"Mama Error can I whold them?" The kid asked. Dust supported his kid while it held a little sibling.

"Isn't she beautiful?" Horror asked the adults but.

"No," The baby bone said. Again the adults chuckled.

"They are your siblings a boy and a girl,"

"Can we just keep the Boy?" The kid asked.

"Kalie be nice," Lust scolded. The kid pounded but he was still too young to understand.

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