- { Chapter 4 } -

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     It takes me about ten minutes to get back to the school. When I do I put my bike back in the garage with my helmet on top of it and I cover it with the tarp. Once that's done I walk out to the lake and sit on the peer. I get out my sketchbook and start sketching with my charcoal.

     I end up drawing an angel falling from heaven. She is becoming a fallen angel as she falls. That's how I feel everyday of my life. I feel like an outcast everywhere I go. Like I've somehow done something horrible to make me not belong anywhere. I just keep falling further away from where I'm 'meant' to be and every inch I fall I lose myself a little more.

     I finish up drawing the last few floating feathers and then sign my name in the bottom corner. "So you like art?" I quickly stand up and turn around to see Klaus looking at my sketchbook with a smirk.

"Don't sneak up on me like that!" I yell. He chuckles.

"What were you drawing love?" I glare at him.

"Don't call me that." I say sternly. He puts his hands up in surrender.

"I apologize. What were you drawing?" He continues to pester me until I answer his question.

"It's nothing. Don't worry about it." I say as I hide my sketchbook behind my back.

"It didn't look like nothing to me." He says before he vamps behind me and grabs the book out of my hands.

     I watch as he flips through the pages until he gets to the one I just finished. He looks back and forth between me and the drawing in concern. "What are these? Why did you draw these?" He asks me with furrowed brows.

"Why do you care?" I ask skeptically.

"Because these are dark. Nikkol, you're 17 years old. You shouldn't be drawing things like this and if you do at least disguise them behind something. Does your family know about the things you draw?" He says with a layer of concern in his voice. I look away, not wanting to answer his question.

"Nikkol, answer me. Does your family know about what you draw in this sketchbook?" He asks, a little more authoritative this time.

"No. They don't. I'd like to keep it that way." I start mumbling under my breath. "I'm already enough of a burden."

     Klaus looks at me with genuine concern and sadness in his eyes. "What did you just say?" He asks.

"Nothing, just forget about it." I say as I cross my arms. I walk up to him and yank my sketchbook from his grip. I close it and shove it in my bag. Then I run up to my dorm and slam the door behind me, knowing that Klaus will likely be following behind me. I quickly lock all of the locks on the door and spell it shut just to be safe.

     I go to my room and walk over to my giant bean bag and plop onto it. I throw my bag onto my desk and take deep breaths. I look around my room and notice my keyboard sitting next to me. I grab it and set it on my lap. I turn it on and start playing a tune that comes to mind.

     I make up the lyrics as I go, singing about how I truly feel about the situation with my biological parents. I've always felt as though I wasn't good enough for them and that's why they left me behind in the burning house.

     When I'm finished I lay the keyboard back where it was and just sit in the bean bag with my knees to my chest. I zone out for a while, but I eventually start writing down the lyrics and sheet music to the song I just made up.

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