- { Chapter 20 } -

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"When was the last time you guys went grocery shopping?" Nikkol asks as she looks through the cupboards in the kitchen, noting how bare they all are.

     Sam and Dean look at each other before looking at Nikkol. "A few weeks, probably. Why?" Dean asks.

     The tribrid sighs, "All of the cupboards are practically empty. Half of the little amount of food you do have is expired."

"We're on the road a lot. Most of the time when we're home we pick up fast food or takeout," Sam excuses.

     Nikkol scoffs as she pulls a notepad out of her pocket and sits down at the island, starting to write down a grocery list for the bunker.

"Whatcha doing, sweetheart?" Dean asks as he walks up behind her and peeks over her shoulder to see what she's up to.

"Making a grocery list. We're gonna go to the store," she says as she writes. She suddenly looks up, a look of question on her face. "Do we have a laundry room here?"

"Yeah," Sam nods as he takes a seat next to her.

     The brunette simply nods in response and adds more to the list. A few minutes later, the list is finished and she stands up. "Okay, let's go," she says as she walks out of the kitchen and down the hall towards her room.

     Sam and Dean follow her in confusion, wondering what she's doing. Nikkol walks into her room and grabs her bag off of her desk. As she turns around to exit her room, she looks up at her soulmates. "Are you ready to go?"

     Both boys nod. Nikkol smiles slightly and walks past them, making a beeline for the garage.


     Dean pulls the Impala into the parking lot of the local grocery store, LaDow's Market. Nikkol gets out of the car as soon as the green-eyed Winchester kills the engine. She waits for the boys to get out of the car before walking up to the door with them.

"Alright, what's on the list, sweetheart?" Dean asks as he grabs a shopping cart.

     Nikkol takes the list out of her pocket and reads off the items as she and her soulmates walk down the aisles. A few aisles later, they reach the cereal. Dean starts to throw all of the unhealthy cereals he can find into the cart, causing Nikkol to laugh and Sam to shake his head at his brother.

     The tribrid walks a few feet away from the shopping cart and goes to reach for one of the cereals on the highest shelf. Sam sees this and walks over to help her. He puts his hands on either side of her waist, making her cheeks flush. Sam smiles as he carefully lifts her off the ground so she can reach the cereal she was trying to get.

"Thank you," she mumbles as he puts her down.

     The long-haired Winchester chuckles at her flushed cheeks and kisses the crown of her head. "Don't mention it."

     Nikkol walks back over to the cart to put the cereal in. Her eyes widen as she sees the amount of sugary cereals in the basket. "Uh, Dean?" she calls over to her soulmate, who is still browsing the shelves.

"Yeah?" he asks as he walks over to her.

"Do we really need this many types of cereal?" she asks him with a knowing smile.

     Dean scratches the back of his neck sheepishly, "Yes...?"

     Nikkol shakes her head with a chuckle, "Pick two of them and put the rest back."

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