- { Chapter 5 } -

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     We've been laying like this for about an hour and a half now. I'm about to point out another cloud to my family when I suddenly hear a stick snap. I shoot up onto my feet and tense up. "Who's there?" I say with a tone that sends chills down my family's spines.

     I hear leaves crunch and more sticks snap, along with the heavy thuds of someone walking through the forest around us. The shadow of a figure suddenly appears at the edge of the tree line. I hear more thuds and everyone around me tenses up as they start to hear it too.

    A well built male comes walking out of the forest. His face is covered with a black cap that I know all too well. My face starts to be taken over with a shit-eating grin. "Benny!" I say as I run to my best friend.

     The vampire laughs as he picks me up into a giant bear hug. "What are you doing here?" I say as he puts me back on the ground.

"I ain't allowed to pay a visit to my best gal?" Benny asks with a fake pout. I smack his shoulder and give him another hug.

"Stop that! You know you're always welcome here." I say.

     I turn around and see all of the men in my family gritting their teeth and glaring at Benny. "Nikkol? You wanna explain?" Stefan asks.

"Oh, right! Guys this is Benny Lafitte, Benny this is my family." I say as I walk Benny over.

     Damon vamps in front of Benny, grabs the collar of his shirt and slams his back into a tree. "How do you know Nikkol?" He grits his teeth.

     Benny laughs. "You must be Damon. Pleasure to meet ya brother." Benny tips his cap down and nods in a polite manner. "DAMON! LET HIM GO!" I scream.

     I start to get angry when Damon doesn't let go of Benny. I grit my teeth. "Damon. I said. Let. Him. Go." He listens this time and lowers Benny back to the ground. I run up to Benny and give another hug to make sure he's okay. "Are you okay?" I ask him.

"Darlin', your uncle ain't gon' hurt me." He chuckles and ruffles my hat a little, being careful not to mess up my hair.

"Nikkol? Who is that?" Bonnie asks.

I turn around to face my family. "I told you, this is Be-" My dad cuts me off.

"Yeah, his name is Benny, we get that? We mean, how do you know him?" I roll my eyes.

"He's my best friend from Carencro." I tell my family.

"This is your vampire bestie from Louisiana?" Jeremy asks skeptically. I answer him with a nod.

     Jeremy glances down to both of Benny's hands and then back up to me. "If he's a vampire then where's his daylight ring?"

"There are other breeds of vampire besides the one you know. There's a lot out there that none of you know about. I'll tell you about it later but for right now, all you need to know is that Benny isn't the same breed of vampire as you guys." I say.

"Have you eaten today?" I ask Benny. He shakes his head no. I walk up to the cooler and grab a bag of blood for Benny. I grab a water bottle and squeeze the blood into it, then I throw the bag back into the cooler and hand the bottle to Benny.

"Thanks darlin'." He says with an appreciative smile on his face. I nod at him and we sit down against a tree next to each other.

"So how's life in Carencro?" I ask Benny.

"Not bad. How's your search goin'?"

     I blink a few times and then look at him like he's crazy. "Did you hit your head in that forest or did you just fail to notice everybody here?" I ask him, nodding my head towards my biological family who are still trying to figure out the second clue.

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