"Are you here to cheer me on at practice too?"

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"Hazel!" I jumped in surprise when I heard my name being called. "Oh, Kate. Finally. Where were you?" I asked her, raising my voice so I could be heard over the loud music. "Where was I? I left you for not even five minutes, and you go off to play beer pong," she complains, before presumably noticing Alex behind me.

"What's he doing here?" She asked me, nodding in his general direction. I inwardly begged for her to not make a suggestive comment.

"I had an accident. Well, technically some dude had an accident and he threw up all over my feet," I grumbled, glaring at Kate, as she threw her head back and laughed. "I wish I'd been there to see that, oh my god. Please tell me someone recorded it," she finally replied, once she'd calmed down.

"Haha, very funny. My shoes are ruined," I held them up for her to look at.

"Maybe if you'd allowed me to do your makeup, you wouldn't be in this situation."

"What's that got to do with her shoes?" Alex asked from behind me. I'd momentarily forgotten he was still standing there.

"Nothing. So, why is he with you, then?" Kate asked again. "I can hear you, you know," Alex waved at Kate.

"Okay, so can one of you respond? Or do you just want me to assume the worst. Or best. It depends on your point of view."

"What might that be?" Alex raised an eyebrow. "This is his house. He took me to the bathroom to wash up, and let me borrow his sister's shoes," I hurriedly explained, before Kate could let her big mouth run wild.

"That's it?" She asked me, in a flat tone. "Yes Kate. That's it," I gave Alex a sideways glance, and saw that he was watching our interaction in amusement.

"Anyways, thanks a bunch for the shoes. I'll return them to you in between my classes or something, but we have to leave. Have a great rest of your party!" I rushed through my sentence, before grabbing Kate's hand, and pulling her away, before Alex could respond, and before Kate could make one of her innuendos.

"He is so hot!" She whisper- shouted in my ear, once we were out of his earshot.

I ignored her, and continued pulling her through the crowd. "Come on! Even with your whole, I'm swearing off guys, you've got to admit that man is fine," she continued.

"I never said he isn't, but can we leave. I really want to shower. It still feels as though I've got vomit on me," I wrinkled my nose. "You smell like you've still got vomit on you."

Finally, once we were outside, I released my grasp on her, and we walked towards the car. "You said you played beer pong. Are you sure you're still good to drive?" She asked me, as she opened the door to the passenger's side.

"I didn't drink any of it. My teammate took one for the team," I informed her, before getting into the driver's seat.

"And who might your teammate have been?" She questioned. "Ethan. He was cute. He seems like someone who'd be your type," I told her. "Ethan what? What's his last name?" Kate's head shot up.

"I don't know. I don't think he mentioned it. Why?" I asked her, as I started up the car.

"No reason. The name sounds familiar," she shrugged. "His name's Ethan. Of course its going to sound familiar," I pointed out. "Okay, well- Shut up." I narrowed my eyes at her sudden change in tone, but didn't question her further.

"So, are you and Alex friends?" She changed the topic.

"Oh my god, do you ever shut up?" I groaned. "Answer the question first," she pushed.

"No, we aren't. Like I've said, each and every single time you've mentioned him, which is a lot, I barely know the dude. He's the quarterback on the football team. I've interviewed him once. He got us tickets to a football game. He invited us to his party, and he's let me borrow his sisters shoes. After I return them, there literally isn't ever going to be an interaction between us again. So no, we aren't friends."

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