Chapter 8

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I wake up to my alarm and groan as I sit up. My side is so sore that I have to take it easy in the gym and don't work up as good of a sweat as I'm used to. I still shower but there's no way I can put my spanx on and not be in agonizing pain all day. The bruise on my hip is huge and so purple and sore.

I slip on a loose maxi skirt and over sized sweater to make sure all loose skins and cellulite will be masked. It's so comfortable and I make a note to add it to my work clothes rotation.

Breakfast is simple and I throw together a similar lunch so I have an excuse to put off lunch with Tai if he asks. I go so far as to pack a lunch for Mike too.

I kiss the side of Mike's head and whisper a goodbye before leaving for the day. In my car, the key turns but nothing happens. Just like yesterday. I audibly groan and rest my head back against the seat, frustrated. After taking a few deep breaths, I have to go back up to the apartment to get Mike.

"Babe. My car won't start again." I whisper, shaking him.

"Mmmmmm" he grumbles, and scrunches his face but doesn't move to get up

"Babe please" I plead "I'm going to be late for work."

"Take my truck. I'll get yours looked at on lunch."

"Thanks. Call me later" I kiss him again and go to the drawer where we keep our spare keys. My extra car key is sitting on top and I have to dig around to find his. Why do we have so many keys?

Back in the parking lot and behind the wheel of his truck, I cautiously drive it to work.

My time alone in the morning goes smoothly and by the time Liz walks in on time today, I'm settled and gotten my to-do list finished from yesterday.

"Did you drive Mike's truck today?" She asks as she sits down.

"Yeah. How did you know?" I ask.

"Well there's a large truck in your spot and you had car troubles yesterday" she shrugs "figured you were still having problems and your great boyfriend wanted to make sure you had reliable transportation."

"Oh. That makes sense. Sorry. I'm a little off kilter. Mike kind of proposed last night."

"HE WHAT?" She shouts and looks at my hands as Tai walks in. Of course he would appear right now.

"Hold that thought." I say, standing and grabbing my tablet to follow Tai.

"Everything alright?" He asks me as we step onto the elevator.

"Yeah fine."

"You're moving a little stiffly." He looks down at me, concern evident on his face.

"I fell on the treadmill last night. Landed hard on my hip. I'll be fine in a couple days." I wave him off and go through the schedule for the day. In his office he goes over to the full sized fridge in the corner and takes out an ice pack.

"Sit for a second. Tell me more about your hip." He says.

I sit and gratefully take the ice pack. There's a small flash of my skin as I put it under my thick sweater. Tai's eyes get wide at the deep purple my skin has turned. "There's really nothing more to say. I tripped while exercising. Mike helped me back up to our apartment."

The concern doesn't leave his face and it only gets worse when I wince as I press the pack to my side.

"Tai, I'm fine." I state. He hovers over me for a moment before bringing a chair to sit across from me.

"I need to ask you something very personal and uncomfortable." He rests his elbows on his knees and leans in cautiously.

"...okaaaaaay" I reply, nervous that he's going to bring up our kiss.

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