Chapter 31

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I see that your not taking me very seriously. I'll have to take more drastic measures.
See you soon.

"We have to send this to the police." Tai says, reading over my shoulder.

"They used the wrong 'your'." I shrug, handing it back to Kirishima.

"Why are you not worried about this" Tai grabs my shoulders and swings me around to face him.

"Should I be?" I search his worried face "it just doesn't feel real. Why would someone want to hurt me?"

"It doesn't matter why, a threat is a threat and it needs to be taken seriously." He sounds frustrated.

"Tai, can I talk to y/n alone?" Kirishima asks gently.

Tai looks between the two of us but eventually nods and steps out of our office.

"What's going on?" I ask

Kirishima takes a deep breath "Is there something that you're keeping from Fat that might explain the sudden threats? Something you don't want him to know? I will never breathe a word of it to him."

"I appreciate that, but there's really nothing. Mike is the only person I've had a face to face confrontation with in.... Probably ever. The only other option would be grumpy people on the phone, but I don't think it would explain the level of stalkerish hate from the photos."

Kirishima searches my face like he's trying to figure out if I'm lying. He eventually nods and leaves, muttering something about going to call the police so they can update their files.

Tai comes back a moment later "what was all that about?"

"He wanted to know if there was something I wasn't or couldn't tell you. Which there isn't, by the way." I fill in the unanswered question that I don't think he would ask.

"I'm starting to get worried about it. The first one could be written off as either Mike or any angry person you've talked to just taking it a bit too far. Most people don't have a follow up letter unless they're serious. We should talk about potentially getting you into protective custody."

"What would that mean?" I ask

"The police would set you up in a secure location and have people guarding you around the clock."

"And where would you be?"

"I'd have to stay away. I'm too recognizable to be anywhere close to you."

"Then it's not happening." I cross my arms and plant my feet.


"Don't 'cupcake' me right now. I'm not going anywhere you aren't."

"I don't want you to, but it might be what's best for you" he rubs the sides of my arms "Think about it. You wouldn't be in danger, the police could keep an eye on you while they look for the threat and you could have a little vacation."

"It's not happening. It might be stupid and dangerous, but I'm not going anywhere. Period." I step away and sit at my desk. "Now quit fighting with me and finish that comically tall stack of paperwork over there."

Pizza My Heart (Fatgum x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now