Chapter 4

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"So, do you have any ideas of what you want to dress up for Halloween?" Fala asked me as I finished editing my paper for class. The Lost Boys were outside playing a game of basketball with some other students. The Lost Boys didn't like to leave me 'unprotected' but I convinced them that I was with Fala and with my magic I could protect myself.

I looked up from my work, "What?"

"What do you want to dress up for Halloween?" Fala groaned. She had pushed aside her assignment and was painting her nails a dark green color. The color was unusual but looked good on her. "Want me to do yours?"

"Umm, no, thank you. That's not really my color."

"Mika called me last night and said if you don't mind, she could make costumes for you and the Lost Boys and mail them. She makes mine every year," Fala squinted at her nails, looking for any imperfections in the paint.

"Do we need to dress up? There isn't any place to go trick or treating and there are no young kids here to pass out candy to," I asked in a quiet voice. We were in the library, and I didn't want to upset the librarian. There was a random heat wave in Weverland, and I didn't want to be kicked out of the library and it's blessed air conditioning.

Fala's mouth dropped open, "they didn't tell you?"

"Tell me what?" I read through my paper again, skimming it for typos.

"About the party the football team puts on every year. Years ago, the football players found a washed-up pirate ship. It's massive. The football team decorates it every year and we have a big bonfire there. Some of the students think it's haunted, but I think the team just plays pranks on the cheerleaders to try and get in their pants," Fala explained.

"Yeah, that's fine, Mika can make me a costume," I told Fala not really thinking about it.

"Well, what do you want to be?" she prodded. She had finally finished her nails and put the brush back in the bottle. She was lightly blowing on her nails to dry them.

"She can pick, I don't care. Just tell her nothing too scratchy," I replied.

"Oh, she's going to have so much fun with that!" Fala stopped painting her nails and glancing behind me burst out laughing.

I looked up to find out what was so funny when the twins ran up without shirts and started shaking their heads at me. I couldn't tell if it was sweat or just water, but they were soaked. I let out a small yelp and jumped from the table. I snapped my laptop closed before it could get wet, just hoping it had auto saved the paper I was working on. Everyone here had already graduated many times over, but my mom and Coach would not be happy if I didn't do well.

Luck grabbed me in his arms, "c'mon let's go home. I want to jump in the pool to cool off!"

"Eww you smell," I told him laughing. He really did smell like sweat and man.

Ms. Jacobs came out of her office and stood with her arms crossed over her chest. She leaned against the door frame of her office and glared. Her voice came out high and slightly nasally, also oddly British which was weird because no one in Weverland had any sort of accent. "Excuse me young men, this is not the place for horseplay. Please take it to a more appropriate location."

There was no bite or anger in her voice, "I'll just pack up my stuff and we'll leave, Ms. Jacobs. I'm sorry about that."

"It's not your fault young lady, thank you for keeping these young men in line," she smiled and headed back into her office satisfied that we were on our way out.

I carefully put my laptop in my bag just as Stone strode into the room. He took my bag from me and pulled it over his shoulder, "Phoenix wanted me to come check on you, he and Saint already started walking home. What's taking you guys so long?"

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