Chapter 15

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The next morning, I woke in my own bed next to Luck and Legend. I could hear yelling coming from downstairs. I jumped out of bed, thankfully mom had helped me put on pajamas last night before I went to bed, so I hadn't slept in my Snow White Costume.

I snuck to the top of the stairs and heard Coach yelling at Phoenix, Stone, and Saint, "I can't believe you let her get drugged! Do you know what could have happened to her? She could have died! We don't know what they gave her, we don't even know who gave it to her!"

Coach ranted and paced at the same time. Mom sat on the couch with Bandersnatch sleeping on her lap. I was surprised he could sleep through so much noise, but he did.

"We know," Phoenix muttered.

"Not only is she a witch and a Princess but she's my daughter!" Coach roared. Mom flinched and Phoenix, Stone and Saint just sat there, their postures slouched and their heads hanging.

Coach continued to pace and mutter angry words. Mom bowed her head and I saw tears running down her face. Bandersnatch got up and licked the tears. Mom upset, make Coach stop yelling.

"Coach," all eyes in the room turned to me. "It wasn't their fault. It was whoever put the drugs in my drink. It's not their fault for not protecting me. They didn't leave my side the whole night."

"You could have been hurt," Coach walked up to me, and gathered me carefully into his arms. I flinched slightly but tried to relax my body.

"I know, but I wasn't, and it wasn't their fault." I hugged him back and then said quietly, "you're scaring mom."

His head turned and he stared at Anne, "oh my God, Anne. I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have yelled." He went to the couch and pulled her into his arms and held her as she cried. Gerald had not been an easy man to live with. It was going to take both of us a long time to get over his cruelty.

Coach looked up at me. I could see pain, sadness, and most of all worry on his face. "You all need to be more careful. This could have been an innocent prank by a bunch of kids, or it could be something more sinister by the Jabberwocky, we just don't know."

I nodded and pulled the Lost Boys out of the room while Anne broke down in sobs in Coach's arms.

We made breakfast for everyone and when it was time to eat Anne came in with puffy eyes. "You guys didn't have to do this; I would have made breakfast."

I kissed her on the cheek, "sometimes you need to let us take care of you."

"Alright," a dramatic sigh leaving her lips. "If you must." Anne laughed, and Coach sat down next her. He was subdued. He'd never had to deal with someone like Anne or me. I was beyond thrilled that he was trying though.

Luck and Legend rushed into the kitchen, giving me a kiss on each cheek at the same time, Luck on my right and Legend on my left. They grabbed a piece of sausage off the tray we were bringing to the table and then grabbed mugs from the cupboard for coffee.

Once everyone was seated and eating, Coach spoke, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been so harsh with you guys. I can see how much you care about Wren."

"You were right, we should have been more careful," Phoenix's voice was solemn.

"No!" I shouted, so they would listen. "I already told you, there was nothing they could have done. Anyone could have put something in my water when I wasn't looking. I didn't drink anything that some stranger gave to me It was a sealed water bottle that Fala gave to me."

"Did you set it down anywhere?" Saint inquired as he chewed slowly in thought.

"When we were dancing, but I left it right next to Stone," I pointed out. Bandersnatch came and sat in my lap and nudged my hand until I petted him.

Feed me. Bandersnatch purred.

"I see how it is!" I tried to give him a stern look but ended up sneaking him a few bites of food which he gobbled up, licking my fingers. I wasn't that hungry, mostly because I still had a headache from last night's activities.

Stone's face scrunched in thought, "the only people who came over to me were some girls from the high school in the next town over."

A spark of jealousy flared in my stomach, and I lowered my eyes so no one would see the pain there.

"I don't think we'll ever know who did it. It wasn't any of your faults, I'm sorry I blamed you." Coach took a sip of his coffee but kept one hand in mom's hand. "What's everyone's plans for today?"

"We knew Wren had plans to train with Fala, so we have an online meeting with our attorney and money manager," Phoenix announced.

"Is everything okay?" I was concerned. They never brought up money, but they didn't seem like they were struggling with it.

"Yes, Little Bird, we meet with him quarterly to go over all the reports. We just made it today since you told us that Fala was training you."

"Well, Coach and I are going on a hike and a picnic," mom said shyly. I knew they had planned on dating, but with everything with Avalon and Lark, they hadn't had a lot of time.

"That sounds nice, I think the weather will be really nice today," I told them and smiled at mom. I just wanted her to be happy, she had done so much for me, and I wanted her to have something special just for her.

The doorbell rang and I could already tell it was Fala, "I'll get it, it's Fala." I stood from the table and walked to the front door.

"How do you know it's Fala?" Phoenix questioned.

"I can hear her song," I answered over my shoulder as I walked to the door.

When I got there, I threw it open without checking. I heard a gasp behind me and saw that everyone stood there, their eyes wide.

"What?" I asked. "You all knew she was coming over today anyways."

Fala looked confused to have us all standing in the foyer.

Coach cleared his throat, "yes, but she's not supposed to be here for another hour. What do you mean by 'hear her song'?"

I shrugged, "when we were at Wonderland castle, I started hearing songs of people and things but the magic there is stronger. Last night, after whoever drugged me, I started hearing them louder. Then, after we got out of the car I could hear all of Weverland."

"Wait, you got roofied?" Fala's jaw dropped.

"It's a long story, I'll tell you after everyone leaves," I told her and tried to convey with my eyes that I wanted to talk to her in private. Fala was incredibly attuned to my emotions and nodded.

"I just thought it was the drugs that was making you talk like that," Saint rubbed his forehead.

"I don't know, but whatever the effect was supposed to be, I don't think it worked," I told everyone. We all walked back into the kitchen and sat down and continued to eat. Fala picked up a cup and poured a cup of coffee. After filling a plate with food, she brought it back to the table to eat with us.

We finished up breakfast and everyone pitched in to make cleanup go super-fast. After the Lost Boys left the house and headed into town for their meetings, mom started throwing together a picnic for her and Coach.

"Do you mind putting together one for me and Wren too? I'm going to take her into the forest today to work on some things," Fala asked mom.

"Sure," mom smiled. She grabbed another basket from cupboard. She continued putting food in both baskets although the foods were very different. Mom and Coach's basket had a bottle of wine, olives, artichoke hearts, crackers, a fruit salad. Our basket had sandwiches, crackers, cookies, and some sliced strawberries and blueberries. She finished it off with some bottled juice and then handed the basket to Fala.

"You'll be careful?" mom asked us both.

I smiled, "of course. You be careful, too!"

Mom hugged me and tried to fuss over us until Coach was finally able to pull her away.

"Have fun, girls!" they called from the door.

"You, too!" we returned their call.

Fala turned to face me and asked, "you ready?"

I smiled and nodded. 

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