Sleepless Nights

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Sleepless Nights

By GeniusMonkey

Miserable thoughts in mind

Love is not patient and kind

I hate to sleep and dream-

I can’t shout neither scream,

My heart is gone and shattered

It is dark and full of hatred;

In my sleep I always see you,

Hope you’re thinking of me too

Closing my eyes makes me cry,

All I want is wake-up and die!

The moon is filled with sadness

While stars with their loneliness

I watched them glow and wither

In this dark, cold, broken weather

I shiver as the wind howls to me

And end up sitting drinking coffee

I just can’t help myself to bed,

I’m awake from all you’ve said;

“I love you with all my heart!”

“No one can ever break us apart!”

My sleepless nights will not go

I hate you because I love you so;

It was all a lie from the start,

And left me with a broken heart.

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