The Girl in the Mirror

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The Girl in the Mirror

By Anonymous

I swear, I love you but I forgot to care,

I was unkind but I'm not a monster

I do feel your pain and your loneliness

Because I realized you're my true happiness

She faked a smile - that girl in the mirror

She looked at me with fear and terror

She's not real for when I smile she frown,

For when I laugh she cries and I fell down

Why are you sad? She didn't utter a word

Her tears fell from her eyes and I felt cold,

What did we do wrong? Why do we regret?

And I recalled his face with anger and hate

She has to leave him crying in the rain,

Now it backfires and we're both in vain

I hate myself reading your poems in Wattpad

It made me cry and I felt terribly sad.

I don't know what to do or how to fix this,

I'm broken too for it's you I really miss

You're sweet and romantic but like a knife

Your kindness and love made a mark in my life,

In your poems you told me that your love is real

But you're not hearing what my heart really feel,

My replies, I hope you read them and see,

I've changed and I'm not who I used to be.

I know I was selfish, immature, and stupid

I've hurt you from all those words I said

Now I know that you're as selfish as I was

You hurt not yourself but the two of us

When a heart break yes it won't break even,

I left but a larger part of my heart was taken

I pretended to smile when I'm close to you

But I know that deep inside I'm drowning too.

You have a good heart and she's very lucky,

While I cry at night feeling alone and lonely

You loved me too much that it scares me

I tried forgetting you but I failed miserably

You said your love faded, withered and died

Because I was never honest and to you I lied,

It's my fault and now I have to swallow my pride

Now I'm hurting, burning, and bleeding inside.

Knowing that I hurt you made me felt pain more

I regret leaving you and walking out of the door

On a bright sunny day I feel lifeless and empty

I want this to stop! So please hear me say sorry

Now we're even so I'm begging you to set me free

For the memories we had is slowly killing me

I kissed you not because I just wanted to

I felt something and I'm happy with you.

It's love and it took time for me to understand

Now I missed the way you kiss and hold my hand,

The way you dry my tears and how you look at me

I felt very special and I regret I didn't see

I hope and wish you'll love me once again

Please choose me for I can't stand this pain

But you smile and left without saying anything

Just when I know you're my world and my everything.

Your silence is meaningful and it's full of hate

My apologies is vague and I know it's too late

And so you'll know you have your revenge already

Because you've chosen to give your love to somebody.

Seeing you happy makes me weaker each and every day

I want to take you away but there's no other way,

I regret not telling you that I love you soon,

I regret not holding your hands under the moon,

I want to make you smile and stay beside you

But all I can do is cry and just let you go,

A love like ours should be buried under the sea

Someone in your life is loving you and she's not me

Thank you, I'm glad that we've met in the past

I Love You, this feeling was made to last.

A/N: I'm touched by someone who wrote this. Di biro ang gumawa ng ganito kahabang rhythmic poem... galing! I'm inspired to write once again. Thanks for sharing.

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