Second Chances

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I looked at my phone screen. 1 new message from an unknown number. I sighed and opened it scared to read the contents.

''Good job Chris. Now stay off YouTube or you'll regret it,''-R

The message made me cringe. For the last two months I had lived in fear of whomever was sending these text messages. They said to stay off YouTube, and I obliged after seeing a scary demonstration of what they could do if I stepped out of line. A few days ago however, they texted me again demanding that I quit YouTube all together and make a goodbye video, one that better be convincing. I must've pleased my blackmailer because of their recent message.

I decided to take my mind off this situation and rung my best friend, PJ. The phone was ringing for quite a while until it went to voicemail and I didn't bother to leave a message. Next I decided to call Dan and just like PJ, didn't pick up. I called Phil who, like always, had his cell turned off. I sat back on my bed and stared at the ceiling. This day was gonna be a bust.

I made a face and decided that I would go I into town. It was a little chilly out so I put on my jumper and headed out. After a little bit of walking I saw three people at a café that the guys and I frequent a lot. Squinting, I saw the two familiar matching haircuts and shaggy brown curls and my blood started to boil. It was dan, phil, and PJ. I was passing the outdoor patio of the café. I overheard some conversation:

''Did he answer, peej?'' Dan asked

''Hell no, he's been like a hermit. Probably made new friends,'' PJ sneered.

''Come on guys, he's our friend. If PJ called and Chris said ''No'' to hanging out there's nothing we can do,'' Phil replied.

''Whatever, all I know is I don't want to be friends with someone who sits alone in a corner all day. Might as well just delete his number, not like I'm going to call him anymore,'' PJ said.

Upon hearing this I started running, tears streaming down my face. His words really stung me on the inside, I felt like I was going to be sick. I guess the tears blurred my vision a lot because next thing I know I'm in an alleyway in a shady part of London. Scrambling to find a way out two goons jump out and scare the crap out of me.

''Well, what a nice day it is when a posh kid like this steps into our neighborhood. Isn't such a walk in the park is it?'' He asked rhetorically.

I backed into a wall and his friend mumbled something I didn't quite comprehend.

''Quite, Sven. You'll have your time with him,'' He laughed maniacally.

I was scared I shut my eyes and they laughed calling me names. The large burly man, Sven punched me hard in the gut. I immediately turned into a trash pile and deposited my breakfast into it then, sank to my knees.

''Aw, had enough already? Our informant said you would be a weakling," The first man said. So, they knew about my blackmailer, this should be interesting.

They both laughed and started kicking me. They took my wallet and then gave me a few hard punches to make sure I wouldn't be able to follow them, and I couldn't. I laid there helpless and dry heaving. It started to rain and it stung my new cuts and bruises. I muscled up the strength to get up and hail a taxi.

When he dropped me off at my flat I went inside to get my extra money. Once I paid him I sat on my sofa with an ice pack and unlocked my phone. My thumb hovered over PJs name but after a moments hesitation decided it would be better to talk to Phil. At least he seemed the most sincere when they were talking about me. I pressed the call button and it rang twice before Phil picked up.

"Hullo, Chris is that you?" Phil said on the other line.

"Yea, listen could you come over, I got into a little trouble in the bad part of town and I'm not feeling great." I said

"Of course Chris, Ill be over in 15 minutes. Can I bring Dan?"

"Yeah definitely, thanks." I said and hung up.

I then went on to ring up PJ but he didn't answer. I left a message on his voicemail saying only the following words: "I hope this is what you wanted"

I hung up and grabbed a carefully written letter in a perfectly labeled envelope and got a bottle of pills out if my medicine cabinet. It was a specific mix of medicines to ensure my desired results. I took the pills and sat on my bed lying so that I'd face my ceiling. I put the envelope in my right hand so that it would face the door to my room and I began counting.


After about 5 or 6 I began losing my ability to focus. I didn't feel any pain, and I felt like I was spinning, but not about to get sick. It was serene. The last thing I heard though was not the sound of birds but the sound of a familiar voice beckoning me back to consciousness. A door slam, a voice saying, "Are you in your room, Chris?" and another door creak before:

"Chris, NO!"

It was Phil, screaming.

I almost responded but I felt a rip in my insides and everything went white.


Tell me what you think and vote if you like. Check out some of my other works if you'd like too. I will try and update every few days so don't be distressed.




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