Shattering Minds

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this time, instead of the room spinning, it hook up and down until finally settling. My legs shook and gave out. My hand caught the desk at the last second. Another difference between this vision and the others; I could touch the objects in the room. When I grabbed onto the desk I felt something sticky on the usually rough wooden desk. Raising my hand I looked at my palms and saw dried blood, small flecks of it on my hand and pools of it on the desk and in the corners, even on some of the clothes. I started to feel nauseas and Thalia stopped me from falling again. She had an iron grip on my shoulder. She shoved me forwards and we walked out of the room. We made our way into the kitchen. I didn't see or hear Phil anywhere in the flat.

"Take a look around the kitchen. You can touch things now," Thalia said flatly. I have her an odd look which she seemed not to notice. I went to the kitchen opening the fridge and opened the door and was greeted by a rancid smell. Whatever was in there, or ruminants of what was there had gone terrible bad. I closed the door and felt the sides of fridge. It was not cool at all. I hurriedly went over to the cabinets. Everyone I opened either had spoiled foods or food eaten by mice. I opened up the bottom cabinets to find all the cutlery and dishes in their proper spot. The only thing that was clean in that kitchen was the dish washer. It looked like it hasn't been used in ages. I got up again and took a look at all the other rooms. None were as bad as Phil's room or the kitchen but all over the place were just dirty clothes, drops of blood here and there, and empty bottles of water and empty junk food wrappers. Even without seeing him I could tell Phil was wasting away. If this was all he was eating he mustn't be well. At that point I felt a sharp pang in my heart as if a part of me that was secretly alive was wounded. Phil had always been the one to turn to, as a friend of course. I don't deny that I wish I knew PJs feelings for me it's just that, Phil seemed like the last person to hurt himself. It was at that moment when I made the turn into Dans room and saw it on pristine condition. A thick layer of dust, yes, but it was as neat as he would've kept it. The only explanation for that being Phil as I saw Dans room in shambles the last time I was there. In the corner, shrouded by dans duvet was a small memorial to him. In a frame was a picture of him and Phil giving each other a little side hug. Underneath the photo were Phil's stuffed lion and a miniature llama hat that fit on the lions head. I remember Phil saying it had been sent by a fan and Dan had received a llama stuffed animal with a lion hat on. The lion was Phil's but the llama was handmade and sent with the hats. It was a cute sign of their friendship. If only I hadn't gone off and ruined it like I always do.

"Watch now, Chris. This is where you really went wrong," Thalia said through clenched teeth. She moved out of the doorframe and I followed her lead to the living area. The front door to the flat opened up and Phil entered the living room. He tossed the keys onto the breakfast bar and I stopped them from falling off the table.

"I can feel?" I said. Thalia only nodded in response and put a finger to her mouth urging me to be quiet. I obliged and turned back to where Phil was.

"STOP STOP IT! Get OUT leave...leave..." He went into a tantrum. He started hitting his ears and throwing things off of the couch and screaming. Thalia stood up and snapped her fingers freezing the scene in a state of constant static on our so-called signal to the mortal world future.

"Phil is schizophrenic. He can hear us when we talk because his mind is shattering. It's like Phil is a house. Instead of the roof keeping out rain, sleet, and snow like it should it leaks in. His mind is the roof and demons and angels are the water leaking in. He can hear us and its driving him mad. I'm sad to say that I contributed to that by constantly visiting him and talking to myself. I wore away at his mind. I'm sorry. But, we mustn't speak, okay?" She sounded sad like she knew which of the two fates I was going to pick in the end. I nodded my head and we returned to the scene. I looked at the breakfast bar again and saw a bottle of pills. I slowly slid it across the table. Slow enough to not draw the attention of Phil but fast enough to get them to him before things got bad. I fake dropped them on the floor and out of his sight crawled over to him and slid the bottle under the couch he slammed his palm down on the ground and felt the pills. He took one and calmed down. I went back to the table and sat down again.

"Thank you, Chris. That'll help him." Thalia said looking at the ground. I couldn't help but feel at fault. No, I was at fault I made him watch me die. I shattered his mind. It was all my fault. I caused this.

__________________________ sorry I stopped mid chapter "vision" I just wanted to put something out.


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