Phils Demise part 3

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It was a time shatter. At least that's the best way to describe it without going into detail with various charts, graphs, and laser pointers.

The force and heat that radiates off of pulling so many dimensions apart sent me flying into the tear faster than I expected. I did a forewarn tumble roll and stuck my legs out to hit a column. I slid down the side of it and landed next to a tied up Phil and a smoking (literally) and unconscious, Chris.

I let my body relax and I immediately felt better. I kicked Chris a few times in his side, not too hard, but hard enough to make him wake up, and then tended to Phil. He was leaning against the same column that I slid down and I too a second to scope out my surrounding in case someone-or something- came after me whilst I was vulnerable. The room was a white marble, along the walls about ten feet apart were alcoves for torches. There were torches in the alcoves and they were lit, sending eerie shadows across the otherwise empty room. I couldn't see the end of this room, or hall, to my left or right, but hey sometimes other dimensions can be weird. Especially the evil kind.

I snapped my head to my right and saw Phil start to wake up. I knelt down and undid his bindings. I tilted his chin up, looking for any scratches, bites, and open sores. After I was sure he was okay, I snapped at his face. I used to do this to him as a baby when he was taking a nap and I wanted to play with him.

I got the results I was looking for, Phil's scrunched up his face and opened his eyes as wide as they could go, he used to do that as a baby too. It was too cute for words.

"Mornin' baby brother, we've got a bit of work to do to get you and Chris back on the right track," I said as sweetly as possible. He unhinged his knees and shot up to give me another hug.

"Thalia, I missed you so much! What are we going to do now?" Phil looked at me with those big, wet, blue eyes of his. Oh he could make me do anything for him.

"We're going to wake up Chris and get out of here, back to the present that's supposed to happen," I declared.

'The one where Chris, Dan, and Peej are all, dead?" Phil asked meekly.

"No, I won't let that happen. I have time frozen to the moment Chris is ABOUT to die. He is still alive this is just a vision that the Overseer is meddling with. I'm going to get things on the right track, save you, save chris, save all of your friends, and give Chris his second chance at life. I promise, Phil," I said this so confidently that I even believed myself for a second.

Phil looked into my eyes and gave me a reassuring look. Then, we both went over to Chris and hoisted him up on both of our shoulders and looked at where to go next. Something must've been troubling Phil because he stopped and turned to me with a confused look on his face.

"So, I'm not the real Phil?" He asked.

"No, you are the real Phil, just from a different reality that isn't real yet," I said, I could tell I just made him more confused and told him that he was the real Phil to make him drop the subject.

I was still really weak from opening the different layers of the Pit, and I knew I couldn't do it again. The hallways in this place went on for what seemed like forever and I knew walking around would end up driving Phil and me mad, and Chris was too heavy to carry forever. I decided to set Chris back down. That's when I noticed something odd.

He wasn't breathing.

This wouldn't have bothered me as i could easily revive him, except for the fact that he started turning shades of red, blue, and purple. It was as if an invisible force was choking him. I changed my eyesight again to see what demon was harming him and I saw a long black hand. Connected to it was a person -no- not a person but a demon. The worst of them all, The Demon. He has a name, yes, but it's one so foul and horrible that saying it, even in a whisper, will fill you with tortured images that will kill you. Just then, Chris opened his eyes and grabbed at his neck clutching onto the hand invisible to Phil's eyes. Chris gasped and his eyes rolled back in his head before the Demon released him from his grasp and quickly flashed out of view.

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