Meeting An Angel

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I blinked a bit and saw clouds with people frolicking on them. I watched for a moment seeing a woman and her child. They went to sit on the ground when a bench and ice cream comes appeared in their hands. They looked like the picture of health and happiness. I felt a sharp tap on my shoulder and turned around. I saw a girl about three years older than me with Long dark hair and icy blue eyes. When she spoke she had a soft, yet defined, southern British accent.

"Chris Kendall, come with me. You've made a horrible mistake but there is time to fix it." She said.

"Where exactly are we going. But first, where are we?" I asked. She motioned to a lift. It appeared out of nowhere with see through doors and the sides lined in gold. We stepped on and descended. All I saw for miles were fluffy clouds but looking down things got darker. It was like a black aura was reaching out trying to take me into that pit.

"Are we going all the way down there?" I asked shyly. The girl laughed. It wasn't that reassuring.

"No, but you could, if you step out of line," she said. It didn't erase my worries but I felt safe in the lift. We stopped on one of the layers o the clouds. Although we weren't in that pit I could feel the pull in my stomach. The girl pulled out two golden coins and inserted them into view finders like the ones you would see on observation decks. She looked through and I followed her lead.

     I saw my own flat through the eyepieces. It was like I was standing in the corner if my room. I heard a knock at the door and then a familiar voice

Yell my name

"Chris, it's Phil and Dan. We're coming in" Phil said. I was just about to get the door when I felt a hand squeeze my forearm. I turned and saw the girl I was with, next to me. We looked back at my door to see Phil come in with Dan close behind him. Phil started speaking when he saw me. "Hey Chris, how are-" he looked at me and I was already pale. He frantically looked around and saw the bottle of pills next to me.

"Chris, NO!" The scene stopped and I saw Phil's eyes, as blue as the girl I was standing next to. I looked at my almost lifeless body and saw me mid-breath. This is when I died and Phil's voice rang out in my ears. The girl turned to me with a somber expression. It was then I noticed she had the same nose as Phil.

"Chris, this was your last moment. Every angel has the power to take a mortal that had his/her life end too quickly or by their own hand and change their fate. You may not realize it but all those near death experiences that people have they are caused my evil entities. But we as Angels judge them and save them. Suicide on another hand, is different," she sighed and continued," When you commit suicide you can chose what your fate will be. Honestly, the world is better with you, Chris. It would be a shame to not use your life. Don't make the same mistakes I did when I was a mortal." With that she looked me straight in the eyes and it all came back to me.

      When Phil was younger he had an older sister named Thalia. She was eight years older than Phil. When Phil was six, his parents told him that she moved away and then after that took down all of her pictures and erased her from their family history. They even told Phil that she was just a sitter. He knew she was real though. And he was right.     

     Every now and then Phil brings her up, he knows she committed suicide but won't startle his parents by admitting he knew. He said that she took pills in a park at night and that her only goodbye letter was only three words traced into the dirt on the field she was sitting on: Not A Mistake. I haven't heard Phil talk about her much anymore. Maybe he really believes she was just a sitter. I never saw Thalia's face but the similarities between her and Phil were uncanny. They looked as if they were twins.

     The image of my room faded and Thalia and I were back on the observation deck. She pulled out two more coins and again put them in the slots of the view finders. I felt the swirl of being transported and I heard Thalia's voice.

"This is just moments after you died. Watch closely."

      Phil was sobbing on the floor. His entire body shook and the carpet around him was wet. He put his head in his hands and I thought I saw something on his arm when I looked up at Dan. He was a completely different story. Sitting motionless on his knees next to Phil just staring at me. His eyes were wide like they always were when he was scared or nervous.

    I didn't hear him come in but PJ was in the door frame. He looked at me for less than a half second before leaving the room and going into my wash room. With only a sink in there he rummaged around looking for anything that I could've used to hurt myself. When he came up empty he sat on the floor and whispered to himself.

"Why...he didn't have to...I didn't even see it...Why." He asked himself questions, unanswerable to him and started to silently cry. He got in the phone and called someone to take me away I guess. Only a few minutes later there was one loud knock on the door and two men came in. They acted very professional and took me away without much of a scene. However. My note fell from my hand without either of the men noticing and fell in front of Phil's face. Dan had left the room to get some air. Phil looked and saw that it was addressed to him, PJ, and Dan. He cracked my ornate wax sealing on the envelope and three letters poured out. He looked at the names on each one and when he came across a piece of paper labeled Philip Lester he opened it and read it. Being that I wrote it I recited every word in my head.

"Phil, please don't be mad or sad. You couldn't have stopped me. This was my own decision. I don't want you to turn out the way I did so please take care of yourself. You're the reason that I even lasted this long in a world like this. You were like a black crow following me and popping up whenever I needed you most. You helped, I believe in you. I let you down Phil. Just do me a favor and don't let me down as well.

Sincerely, your friend, Christopher Kendall."

      He read the last line and was still in a fit. Sobbing and shaking he ran to my water closet and vomited. I didn't blame him, it's a lot of emotions at once. When he finished he slipped PJ's. letter underneath the washroom door and then set dans next to him when he sat down on the couch. Both of them read theirs. As expected the tears came but that didn't surprise me. Thalia again took my arm and we were back on the deck.

"So that's it I guess?" I said nonchalantly.

"Not quite. We still have a ways to go. When I took my life I was supposed to go  into the pit. Where condemned souls constantly labour for evil with no rest. But, I was saved. Now I can go through both lands. I make it my job to do fair trials. The regular rules don't apply to me. I'm like the wind, I do as I please. I'm choosing to help you see that this life isn't for you. You won't be going to paradise up there. You'll be in Limbo, cursed to feel the push and pull of good and evil until your soul just rips apart. Or, I can save you and you will still receive paradise at a different time. It's up to you but don't take for granted the opportunity to go back. We have a few more visions to go through if you're up for it. What do you say?" She asked.

"Give me the coin," I said back

__________________________ please tell me what you think I'd love to hear it


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