Stepping Up/ Bodiless

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That's it. I'm alone. No help, no allies and the heavens are against me.

This all sunk in moments afterI realized that I would need to help Thalia and Phil on my own.

After meeting with the Overseer, I learned that I needed to really believe that I would be better off alive than dead. Sure there are three or more lives looming over my head, but I guess nothing was working. I need something's, anything to give me hope. I gave a last look around the seemingly endless hallway before my eyes rested on an object behind where I was facing. About ten feet away, striking against the glassy marble columns and pillars was a pair of wings.

They were nothing fancy, as far as I could tell they were rusted and old. Composed of wiry metal and safety pins that looked like they were about to burst at any moment, by the look of it. I walked over to them and touched the wings; they came to life. A bunch of the wire started repairing the wings automatically. I watched in aw as gold wire, which I hadn't seen before, lined the wings and completed them. This reminds me of some sort of Greek myth that I learned in high school. Something about wings, death, and a labyrinth maybe? Whatever it was, it looked amazing.

I picked up the wings, they were a sleek. A raven black color that had a gold shimmer that if you looked too long it disappeared and shimmered out to some other part of the crazy contraption. I decided that I should do the only thing sensible with these things. Put them on. I saw leather straps on the backside of the wings, as if it were a backpack, and I slung the straps over my shoulders. A heat was on my back and, out of the corner of my eyes I saw a brilliant yellow light as then a heaviness on my back. The shoulder straps then disappeared and I felt a new set of muscles on my back, as if they were there for my whole life.

I tested the wings and floated two feet off the ground before safely touching back down. I knew I had the upper hand now. I need to quit my cowardliness. It may seem odd, going against a natural instinct but, this was it.

Tonight belongs me.

I won't take failure as an option. I need these people.

I decide to go out the way I came in, the only flaw in my plan being that I don't possess powers like Thalia's. I guess I'd better start walking then.


I feel different. Like I've lost something I thought I never could. I tried to open my eyes, but I couldn't. I'm trying harder but panic is setting in. Then I realize what's missing, my body.

If you have never lost your body before, let me tell you that it is not a very pleasant experience. First you realize that you can't move, or see, or breath. It's like you're in the wind and constantly changing. I've heard of angels losing their bodies after their spirit withers but, mine is young and healthy. This isn't supposed to happen. I can't make sense of anything. This is so strange, I can see, but I cant, I can think, but there is no brain to put my thoughts into. Very strange indeed. There is only 1 thing I CAN make sense of, and that is:

Phil screaming.


A little bit of a cliff hanger to have you on the edge of your seats! P.s sorry for the long times in between updates my life is really hectic nowadays. By the way THANK YOU FOR 734 READS!!!!! It's amazing! And one last shout out to any P!ATD fans- congrats Sarah and Brendon on your marriage today! (4/28/13) You two deserve each other.

Again- thank you for reading, sorry for the short chapter and keep reading!!!!!


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