Back From the Dead

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"Phil?!? You're okay?" I frantically asked him.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" He said confused.

"Uh, no reason, I just had a strange dream and you got hurt really badly," I lied

"Yeah Chris, I would think you'd have a bad headache with those bruises," he said.

"Chris, what was that weird voicemail you left me on my cell?" PJ interjected. It was all over. I remember vaguely calling PJ and hinting that I blamed him for this but I forgot that the message would still be there when I woke up again.

"Well," I started, "PJ I really think you've been acting weird lately and don't want to be my friend so I took the hint and called you," I blurted out.

"What? How could you even say that, you're my best friend!" He exclaimed.

"Oh yeah sure, I heard what you guys said about me at that café earlier this morning. Phil was the only one who defended me and that hurt. It hurt even more than the beating I got minutes later when I was jumped," I said tears streaming down my cheeks.

"I, I don't know what to say Chris but-" I interrupted PJ.

"THEN DON'T SAY ANYTHING! Do you know why I called you all? Because a minute ago, I was about to kill myself. There, take it all in! In the last three months, I have been abandoned, beaten, threatened, harassed, and made to feel worthless by my own friends, and myself," I said. That's when I broke down though. I started sobbing and curled into a ball, not caring if the bruises on my stomach made this agonizing. Dan was already silently crying in the background and Phil's ice blue eyes looked as if they were about to spill over with a waterfall of tears. PJ stood there soundlessly and then did something I never expected him to do.

He came over to my bedside, sat down and gave me a hug. It might sound like a small comforting gesture to you, but I've not had one human interact with me in the last three months. I slowed my sobbing up a bit, uncurled, and hugged PJ back. We stayed like that for a few minutes, both of us just crying into each others shoulders until PJ lifted my head up and looked right into my eyes.

"Listen to me Chris," he said through sobs, "You are the most AMAZING person I have ever met and I have been abandoning you lately. I know that, it's just that I can't come to terms with myself about my feelings over you," he said. Dan and Phil took this as their cue to leave the room and they left to go into the living room. PJ barely noticed he still was holding my head in his hands, looking deep into my eyes. I couldn't help but to stare into his pale green eyes and I saw there something I has never seen in those eyes before, love. I put my hands around PJ's waist and we started to move as one. He leaned in and I did the same, our lips connected and it was like something magical was going on. I felt inside of me a bubble of happiness and I smiled as we continued to kiss. It wasn't sloppy, or rushed, and god no there was no tongue at all, but it was sweet. It felt like a true first kiss. We each pulled apart at the same time and I looked into his eyes once more.

"That's why I've been so distant, Chris. I've never felt this way about anyone else before and I wanted to make sure I had myself all worked out before I saw you again," he admitted.

"That, is the most romantic thing you could have ever said," I replied with an amused smile.

"Well then, we better be off," PJ said

"And where too might I add?" I said

"Chris darling, what month is it?" He said. I couldn't help but grin.

"My birthday month, Peej," I said.

"And what day is it, gorgeous?" He asked me.

"," I said. I didn't realize it was my own birthday and I was going to kill myself! I hugged PJ again and dried my tears on his jacket collar. We both got up and went to the living room, hand in hand. We walked in and Phil smiled. Dan smiled and said,

"Well it's about time guys! Lets go," and we all headed out of the door as friends and boyfriends. As we walked down the pavement to the party. Out of the corner of my eye I saw something, no, someONE and I knew who it was. Thalia.

She was dressed in all black with her hair pinned up and teased in the ponytail. She looked at me and gave a slight smile before walking away into an alleyway. I had a feeling that she was my guardian angel. I gripped PJ'a hand tighter and ignored the buzzing if the phone in my pocket as I walked into what I knew was sure to be the best party ever.


And that ladies and gents is the end of my story. BUT there WILL be a SEQUEL!!!!! I'm going to start it on the fifteenth so I can have time to spell check and edit the recap section so BE PATIENT! thank you for reading this and PLEASE COMMENT VOTE AND FOLLOW FOR MORE! please please please tell me what you thought of it in the comments so I know what to add/ take out in my next story!!!!! Thanks and for the last time:


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