A Visit From The Pit Dweller

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Thalia looked deep in thought and I tapped her on the shoulder and she looked at me.

"Sorry but for this one, you're on your own." She snapped out of view and was gone. After she left I felt like a weight was off of me, like all the pressure to make a choice was gone. It was odd, like she was carrying the burden of good and evil on her and I felt it too. It must be tiring feeling all those eyes on you. The dark side watching you to see if you will return to them and the good side to see if you'll slip up and deserve to be sent back.

     I looked down at my body and saw it slowly becoming more opaque. I couldn't pick anything up and in a few minutes time I was completely invisible ad I couldn't speak or make a sound. Looking back at Phil he was calm. I followed him around the house for a bit and saw him step into dans room. I joined him and I suddenly felt a presence next to me.

"It's been two whole years today," I turned my head to see an almost clear Dan. I proceeded to speak to him.

"How can I see you," I asked

"The chance that you pick to stay dead is greater now so it's starting to become reality. Please, don't let me die. You had an amazing opportunity to go back to the real world. That day you left was the hardest day for all of us. I still had nightmares when I was about to die. I saw my parents grieve. I looked up and saw them with disappointment and their hearts shattered and-" I cut him off

"Wait, what do you mean 'looked up and saw them' are you in The Pit?!" I asked frantically

"Yes, me and PJ. Phil, well you'll see what happens with Phil. He is a fighter I have no doubt about that but he hasn't left the flat in months and now the neighbors just leave food on the doorstep for him when he's brave enough to open the door every once in a while. His world completely broke when you died. Make the right choice; neither one of us wants to live like this." he said. Dan started to fade in and out if view.

"I have to go. I'll send PJ if I can he got off better than I did. Thalia tried to help me as well but she can only do so much without going into oblivion. Besides, she's grown weaker in the two years since your death. After you decided to stay in the Middle Layer, she tried to conserve her energy so she would be ready for when Phil would arrive but it only made her weaker, without the use of magic for such a long time there was little she could do for him. I was scared when she turned her back on me and Peej but, she did what she needed to do even if what she thought was right really wasn't. PJ is on the corner of the pit, even though he led an example of a life, suicide victims are not exempt from the rules. I'm near the center of the pit midway through. I wasn't the greatest in life you know but I wasn't the worst. PJ got off easy. The powers of evil are strong where I am. I'm too weak to carry on right now, so ill have to turn you over to PJ. Make the right choice Chris. I know you will. Don't let me become this," Dan slowly faded out of view and I found myself grabbing after him and I soon discovered that the place he was sitting was empty and his form dissolved completely and I was left alone with a quietly weeping Phil in the corner.

"I can still hear you Dan. You too Chris. Please, save me. I'm begging," and with that Phil collapsed in front of Dans shrine and started softly crying. I put my head in my hands and rubbed my temples. I saw fuzz and heard the noise of white static and the scene changed. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned my head



Ooh what's going to happen next??? PLEASE COMMENT WHAT YOU WANT TO SEE NEXT!!!!! I love hearing back from you guys and I need some inspiration! Thanks!!!!!


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