An Unknown Love

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I got scared when I freaked out at Chris. Usually I keep my anger and darkness under control but he was like a younger brother just standing outside your door waiting for you to play with him.

I really hope I can convince Chris to go back to earth. It crushed my parents when I died. I decided not to come back and ended up in the "pit". Heaven is really not what you would think. There is no real religion here. If your Christian you see a Christian heaven, if you're Hindi you see moksha and the examples go on. The punishments or as people refer to as "Hell" is a bottomless pit where you perform back breaking labor until your spirit breaks and your soul is released to wander forever. We call it "The Pit" just to make it seem better or more mysterious than it actually is Is. I was condemned to the pit for all eternity and I survived for 10 years. This was an amazing feat down there. During those ten years my grandfather died and he achieved High Purity. This meant that he was almost as pure as your god them self. He pleaded to have me released but it came at a price, he was forced to give up his soul to wander while I came to heaven as a tainted angel. Hence why I turn demon-ish when I'm angry and I wear black combat boots instead of all white. It's meant to symbolize where I came from and how I will never be completely "pure". I'm content though. I just need Chris to see that no one is going to save him. I would but I can't without giving up my soul, and I have to see mum, dad, and Philip again. Even if its only for five minutes. I felt the swirling end and I opened my eyes and we were in PJ's flat. Now it was time to show Chris what would happen.


I looked around to see PJ on his desktop computer. His hair had grown out and it was very curly. Unlike Dan, PJ had no cuts on his arms or anywhere else on him but you could see the emotional scars in him. He started talking to himself.

"Why did I have to ignore him. We were best mates. I should've seen this coming. IM SUCH AN IDIOT!" He yelled his last words. He lied his head down on his keyboard and started sobbing. I won't lie that it touched me. I had no idea he cared about me so much. Lately he had been ignoring me and not coming around as much. I walked up to him and sat in the chair next to his computer. I rubbed his forearm and looked down sighing. He didn't see me but continued on.

"Chris, if you can somehow hear me, I loved you. I never had the guts to say it. I thought you would be utterly repulsed. But I can't go on knowing that I had not at least said it out loud. I miss you." He continued sobbing and then clicked the upload button to two YouTube videos. One entitled "Goodbye Christopher" and the other entitled, "The End of the Kicking". I looked at my friend completely torn to shreds mentally. I took a glance around the room to distract me for the moment. I saw a calendar hanging in the wall and saw it was flipped open to the month I died. On the date I killed myself on his calendar was circled "Chris' Party & a big Announcement". I could only imagine it was my surprise birthday party. Every year PJ would organize a party in the month of my birthday at any given day, I guess that was the day he was going to throw the party. The words 'a big announcement' had hearts around them. Maybe he was going to ask me out. I couldn't even fathom how he could feel and it made me feel like the idiot I was for not waiting another day at least. I got up and walked back over to Thalia and said to her, "I want to go back," and we went. The nauseating feeling of returning to the deck felt longer this time. I kept my eyes shut and let a few tears slip out. I wish I knew. I felt like my heart was ripped out, I loved PJ I just wish I could tell him how I felt.

We returned to the deck and I felt that gut wrenching sensation in my stomach again. I felt like that voice was going to speak through me again but this time I swore if put up a fight. My fore headed started beading with sweat and my fave felt hot. All of a sudden, I leaned over the brick wall the view finders were stationed on and promptly vomited and passed out.


When we returned to the deck I saw Chris' face turn red. It looked like he was choking. I kept watching taking care not to disturb him, I knew he was fighting the influence of the Demon in the Pit. I too fought to free myself from his mental grip and it was no easy task. Chris ran over to the wall on the side of the cloud we were standing on and vomited straight into the pit. It was a good shot, it might have even hit the Demon himself. But, just as I thought he would be okay his eyes rolled back in his head and he collapsed. I strode over to the elevator and got two angels to get me a bucket of water and some towels. I would've made them bring it straight to me at the observation deck but, I'm not supposed to subject them to want or worry, especially given my background. They gave the bucket and towels to me and went back to the meaningless existence that they have of just wandering through clouds for all eternity.

I went to the elevator and pressed the button labeled O.D. When I got to the deck again I threw the bucket of water on Chris' face and threw a towel over him. He was shocked awake and immediately felt the towel on his face. He started drying off and I got our last coins out. I flipped the coins around in my hand and waited for him. When he was done I went over to insert the last coins into the view finders. We both looked into them and we were on our way to the third and most terrifying of all of Chris' friends and the one that made me wish I went back to earth to help.


Ooh so what do you think? Do you want more of Thalia's past? Don't worry it isn't nearly over stay tuned.


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