The Lover From the Grave

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When the static sounds subsided in my ears I looked up and I was still in Dans room. But, instead of the room looking pristine as it did before, the bed looked slept in, the calendar was up to date, and the Dan shrine was gone. I turned around completely to see PJ.

"Oh hey Chris. Uh Dan sent me here. I guess I'll just go. Phil is in the other room," PJ was about to get up and leave just like he normally would until he swore at himself and was about to snap his fingers when I grabbed his forearm and stopped him in his tracks. He glanced down at my hand and I saw color coming from where I touched him. As if I was breathing new life into him again. I began talking.

"Please PJ, stay. I can't make a decision without knowing what would happen to all of you If I left forever," he broke his gaze at my hand and a scowl appeared on his face.

"so it doesn't matter that Dan and I died. I LOVED YOU CHRIS! That wasn't an accident, my death. Neither was Dans. I couldn't just bear to see you gone. I couldn't bear to live without you, period. Didn't Thalia show you?" He yelled more than questioned. Shock, anger and a million other mixes of emotions filled my mind. It showed on my face and PJs scowl softened.

"I thought you lived," I whispered while staring at the ground. He turned his head to the side and shut his eyes for a moment. When he opened them and looked at me again he cleared his throat, then began to speak.

"The part of the story that Thalia didn't show you was that the same day you saw me going off the rails I went out and rented a Vespa. Not a nice one but enough for want I needed. Then, I started driving along and I was the only one on the road. I turned the bike to a slight right, nothing to tip off the driver of what i was doing, but enough so that he didn't understand what was happening until it was all over. My parents went to court with the driver and since I had a clean bill of health from the last time I went to the doctor, no scars, and the truck driver was high while he was driving, my parents got a lot of money from it. Most of which they used towards my wasn't an accident though. Only the forces of the supernatural knew that, but I got off easy still. And that's my death." He sighed and I stared at him, jaw clenched. He stood offered a hand and said, "this is Phil's story. Lets go." I took his hand ad we went to see Phil's story unfold.


I spent all day in my bed so the next chapter is going to be longer than this. Thank you for reading I'd love to hear from you and your thought on PJ and Chris' relationship. That's all for now.


Second Chances (Crabstickz)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt