Confessions of a Tainted Angel

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I regret not warning Chris. You see, when an angel visits the same human repeatedly, the human starts to develop the sense of when they are there or not. I visited and talked to Phil everyday for two years after Chris died. The first months he couldn't hear me, then he sensed me, that lead to him being able to communicate with me, and now he hears the voices of all the angels at once. When a voice is strong enough it takes on a persona in his mind making him have "voices" in his head. I wont tell you how many years after Chris' death did Phil kill himself but, I welcomed him to the sky . he was sentenced to Middle Layer. It's basically Limbo. He'd be doomed to walk an unimportant unmeaning full existence until he forgets who he is. I can't let that happen. I'm trying my hardest to make Chris do the right thing but it's hard being an angel with my past. I have a history of twisting people. Another angel asked me to make new roaming clouds (those silly clouds that they frolic on)for the people in the Middle Layer. What ended up happening was that the cloud trapped their legs and evil leeched up their bodies until they fell through and landed in the pit.

I'm still ashamed. Now whenever I'm trying to do a good deed, the person is swayed to evil because Im tainted with the presence of evil. It's a burden I will say but I would so anything for Phil. Even if it means bringing Chris to life again or giving Phil the chance to be an angel at my own expense. He's my family and I wouldn't want it any other way. I couldn't risk losing Phillip again. No matter what the cost.


Short but much more excitement will ensue! I promise!!!!!


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