Chapter 2

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"Come on Allen. Whats the problem with you?" I stopped and huffed taking a breath. Im absolutely drained.

"Man coach, we been practicing two hours straight wit'out a break." I said wipin sweat off my face wit my shirt. I was tired as hell and contemplating walking out. I know as captin, I have to be a leader and do things even if I dont want to but its also my job to be the major voice of da team, and my team looked worn out right about na. Coach looked at us all then shook his head.

"Fine yall hit the showers practice tomorrow at 3" he said walking away. We all walked out the gym into the locker room.

"Man Ryan thanks for saying something, I was bout to fall out in there bruh" my nigga Moriah said fallin out on da floor. We all laughed cause Moriah is a fucking clown. Always making people laugh.

"Bruh guess who stayin wit us na at da house?" I said to Mo.

"Who bruh?"

"Man Nevaeh moved in two days ago. She bouta come here". His eyes widened then a grin broke out on his face. I already knew i was gone have to beat his ass.

"Man im bouta cuff that ass real quick". I mugged him so hard. He of all people knew how i felt about her. Ive had a crush on her since i was 12. We always been so close. She was my rida. She fought for me literally. That girl has a temper. Mo saw my face and laughed.

"Nigga you know im playing withcha. But if she happens to-"

"She wont" i said cutting him off causing him to laugh.

"Whatever nigga im still coming over".

"Nigga when are you not over at my house? And don't you think you need to go clean up? " We were now walking to out cars.

"You right my nigg. Ill be over in 5" he dapped me up and got into his car speeding down the street. I laughed and popped my trunk to put my bag in then hopped in the all black range rover my parents bought me for my 16th birthday. I dialed up vaeh's number.

"Hello" she answered sexily

"Girl dont answer the phone like that, you sound like you expecting a nasty phone call."

"Well if you'd get off my phone maybe he'll be able to get through." she said laughing like it was funny. Which it wasn't.

"Get ya ass beat vaeh" i said so serious which all the girls thought was funny.

"What do you want Ryan".

"Yea what do you want bubba" i heard Regan holler.

"What was that Ray?" i asked with all seriousness in my voice. All i heard was Rylee teasin in the background.

"Nothing bubba i love you" i just chuckled.

"Fareal Ry what you want tho?" Vaeh asked.

"Yall still out?"

"Yea we headed to the house tho, why wassup?"

"Can you pick up dinner?" she just laughed.

"What do you want to eat Ry?"

"I really want in-and-out but ill settle with chick-fil-a." i said in a pretty please voice.

"What do you want from in-and-out Ry?" she said in a bored tone of voice.

"Two double cheeseburgers and fries please and thank you" i said with a smile on my face.

"Umhm ill see you in a bit"

"Thanks love you Kenzie Boo" i said into my phone loudly.

"Bye dickhead". She hung up and i just smiled while i drove home. That girl man. When i first met her at church she was quiet. Until other youth thought she was a pushover and she started getting feisty. Me and her been cool since we was 6. When she started hanging out with Regan we got closer. She been at our house since then. They claim her as our God sister but i wouldnt mind being something a little more. Im usually into carmel girls but her high yellow skin and and pretty teeth make it hard not to recognize how beautiful she is. Her smooth skin complements mine and her 5'4 height complements my 6'4 height. Yea i be flirting low-key and so does she. Im just waiting till she's ready to take it to the next level. Shes staying with us for a while but i dont mind at all. I didnt understand tho, her mom is leaving which is why she's switching schools to live with us but our parents are rarely ever here. I guess they just didn't want her alone at the house. I pulled up to the house to be greeted with an empty drive way. As usual. When i got in i went straight to the kitchen to grab a Gatorade and saw a note on the fridge. I grabbed the last Gatorade and realized i had just bought a new case of them. Those niggas drunk my Gatorade.

Kids we have a last minute revival to attend to in Memphis. Be back by next Sunday forsure. Have a great first day of school. Love you all. -mom and dad

Same ol Same ol. I was headed for the stairs when i heard the doorbell. I opened the door for Mo, since it was glass,you cause see from the inside who it is but from the outside you can't see anything but body figures.

"Wassup nigga where my baby mama?" he asked. I just looked at him, turned around and headed upstairs to shower, shaking my head at his stupid ass.

"Where you going i was talking to you? Ryan? Nigga! Asshole!" he yelled and laughed as i laughed and closed my bathroom door.

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