Chapter 22

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We were all sitting in the den,and by we I meant me, Regan, Vaeh, Moriah, Chris, Rylee, and somehow Kyra got here with Chris's older brother Christian.

"So Ryan how you been" Kyra asked.

"Why you wanna know? So you can go get him killed too?" Moriah butted in. I don't know what's up with him lately but he's been on edge. That notion got confirmed when Regan touched his arm and he jerked back looking at her like she was the dirtiest bum on the corner.

"Aye Bruh let me hola atchu for a second" I said to him pushing his leg while walking bye. Once we got in the kitchen I began my questions.

"What's wrong with you man? You been going 0 to 100 real quick lately."

"Man I'm straight" he said shrugging not looking at me. Yea this nigga done went off somewhere in the deep end.

"You been taking your medicine?" I asked slowly sighing because I knew the answer. He sighed loudly.

"Why you worried about it man" he said getting a little loud. Just then Vaeh came around the corner.

"Yall good in here?" She asked eyeing Moriah suspiciously. So I know I'm not the only one noticing it. But I also noticed Moriah perk up a tad bit when she came in.

"Yea were fine Kenzie" he said smiling. She looked at me and I nodded. So she turned around and proceeded to walk out. I watch Moriah intently watching her hips away back and forth. I lost it right there. I pushed him into the fridge with my arm over his chest and my fingers pointed in his face.

"Listen...whatever your thinking STOP! I ain't gone warn you more than once."

"Chill man. There's enough ass to share. I just might get my piece before you." He said smirking pushing me off. This wasn't my best friend at all.

"Listen Cedd..just chill iight?" I said slowly and calmly holding my hand out. He took it and shook it.

" iight I'll chill" he said smirking his devilish smirk. It was bout to be hell in this house tonight I could feel it.

iight yall wassup. I been reading lately and this MPD (multiple personality disorder) has got me like reading articles and doctors notes and stuff. It kind scares me but intrigues me at the same time. I wanted to throw this in my story I hope you guys like it. I love Moriah's character so I won't have him out in the deep end but just bare with me. Shoutout to TheLastQueens your book has got me knee deep into this personality disorder read. Yall read her Book "G Shit" I've read it like 3 times. Alright yall I'm outtie

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