Chapter 27

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The airport is so busy but I guess since its December 23 it would be. If your wondering I'm picking my mom up and I'm so excited. I haven't seen my mom since July. Six long months. I'm ready to see her.

"Neveah baby" I heard a sweet voice say. I turned around and saw my mothers thick body and her bright smile. I ran to her hugging her so tight some probably was losing oxygen. She was whispering how much she loves and missed me in my ear. I pulled away and smiled at her while wiping my tears away.

"I've missed you little one. Well not so little look at you. You look all grown." She said checking me out.

"No look at you mom. You look good. You found you a man didn't you?" I said laughing making her laugh too.

"Actually I did but you'll meet him when the time is right. You know how a fell about introducing you to people" she said pushing my hair out of my face.

"Of course. Trying to keep me to yourself. But come one lets get home mommy" I said grabbing the backs out of her hands.

"Been awhile since I've been called that" she said smiling brightly.

December 24

"Mommy no" I said whining.

"Girl get it together I can do it." She said rolling her neck. She was trying to whip and was failing horribly. Blame it on that white rhythm she was born with.

"I'm done I can't mom I really can't" I said while laughing. My phone started ringing and my mom brought it to me.

"Whose Jordan? Is he your boyfriend all these lossy emojis?" She said making kiddy faces.

"Mommy stop gosh" I said before answering

KBuggie❤️: hello

JoJo😘😘: hey KBuggie!!Where are you I wanna come by?

KBuggie❤️: At home and why must you insist on calling me that?

JoJo😘😘: cause it's a cool name and okay Ina come by

KBuggie❤️: lame ahhh lol but my moms here.

JoJo😘😄: alright moms with me anyways so they can meet each other.

KBuggie❤️: okay I'll see you in a bit

JoJo😘😘: alright bye baby

KBuggie❤️: nigga bye

I hung up and my mom stood there smirking with one hand on her hip.

"Mom he's not my boyfriend" I said speaking out on what I knew she was thinking.

"And why not?" She asked sounding too much like black woman.

"Cause I don't need another relationship ending badly." I said thinking about the whole Ryan situation.

"Every relationship won't be like the last. You have to take a chance on love. Trust me I know" she said almost in her own world.

"How can you do it? How can you trust someone with your heart after what my bio dad did to you?" I asked her really looking for guidance.

"I don't know but I can tell you this. You'll began to feel a certain way. You'll want to be around that person even if it's just to sit in the same room with your feet over his legs on your phone while he's on his. Everything loving will remind you of him. Things your passionate about you'll want to share with him. You'll begin sharing stupid pictures of different houses with him because you can see yourself with him. And even if your a strong independent woman you'll still look to him for a little approval. And just seeing will bring a smile to your face. That's how you'll know he's the one." She was smiling and I knew this guy had to make her happy. I smiled for that reason and because even though my mind is saying no my heart is saying yes. And I think this time I'm might just follow my heart.

*Ding Dong*

"Now, go open the door for my son-in-law. Now girl get to stepping" she said in her Martin Payne voice. I had to laugh at her cause she really tried it. I opened the door and as soon as I saw him I smiled brightly. He smiled back just as bright and before he could hug me his mom, mama Mel pushed him out the way.

"Boy if you don't move yo lanky behind. It's freezing out here. Oh hey baby mama missed you give me a hug." I hugged her while laughing.

"I missed you too mama Mel how you doing?"

"I'm fine. I'll be better when you and my son stop playing with my emotions." She said walking past us. I turned to him and smiled. I don't know what came over me but I leaned up and kissed his lips. God they were so soft. When I pulled away he looked at me with a questioning look.

"I think I'm ready Jo." I looked into his eyes and he smiled. Then I heard squealing and clapping and when I turned around I saw our mothers hugging and clapping and screaming. O lord help us because we're gonna need you.

Kenzie's mom in the mm
Epilogue next. Turn up. I love you all you are truly amazing for rockin with me since the beginning. I love yall. Peace out!!

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