Chapter 26

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I was hanging with Jordan at the mall today. I'm warming up to him a lot. Jordan is cute smart and sweet but I thought the same about Ryan. But it feels different with JoJo but in a good way. He was taking me into all types of stores to get clothes and stuff. We decided we were tired and hungry so we headed to get our favorite, Chinese. We were standing side by side when I heard someone yell my name. I turned and saw it was Rylee. No lie, when I saw Rylee my heart smiled. This is my baby. I love her and if I ever had to go back to that house is only go for her.

"Hey baby how are you? Are you okay?" I asked checking her out. I haven't seen her in weeks since the 11th graders are one one side of the school while the seniors are on another side.

"I'm okay I just really miss you" she said and I could see tears welling up in her eyes.

"I miss you too baby, ima have to come get you do we can hang" I said trying to lighten up the mood.

" I hate it there. It's horrible. Kenz Ryan's been drinking and Regan is always gone with Moriah and I saw him-"

"Fuck you do to my sister" I heard Ryan growl at me pulling her back away from me hard. Jordan turned around and I flicked my eyes to him telling him don't do what I know he was going to do. See I told him about my past in Cali and when I told him about the way me and Ryan fell off he said if he had a one on one with Ryan he'd beat his ass for saying the things he did to me that day.

"We were just talking Ryan. Why are you being so ruff with her?" I asked softly pulling her to my body hugging her. She was crying and I don't know if it was because she was in pain or just hurt by all that's been going on.

"It's okay baby. Ima come get you soon okay? Stop crying. Everything is gonna be fine I promise." I whispered in her ear hugging her while rubbing the top of her head calming her down. She nodded and wiped her face.

"Go on over there with Daylen and go buy you some stuff. Buy something cute then tomorrow after church we'll go get our nails done. Okay?" I said to her.

"Okay. I love you Kenz"

" I love you too stink" I said smiling at her. She turned to walk away and when she left I realized Regan was over here too.

"Jordan give me a minute with him" I said to him. He nodded and kissed my cheek.

"I'll be over there with our food" he said and before he turned to walk away he mugged the heck outta Ryan. I turned to Regan.

"We need to talk. Seriously. Alone later today iight?" I said seriously. I talked to Jordan's mom and I realized that maybe she thinks Im trying to steal Moriah from her. In all honestly I don't want him. And she shouldn't either but that's none of my business. She nodded her head and walked back over to their table where I saw Moriah and Chris starring over here. I blew a kiss to Chris and waved at Moriah. I need to talk to him soon also.

"What's your problem Ryan" I said focusing my attention on him.

"My problem? I have no problem." He said shrugging.

"Alright" I said turning to walk away. I don't have time for his foolishness.

"Okay okay look. I'm salty af. You leave the house and me and go with this nigga I play ball with. You fuckin him Kenz? I swear if you have him some before me. Ooooo I can't even think of what I'll do" he said. Every word he spoke made me realize I don't want him anymore. If he could speak to me like this then maybe we really did waste our time together.

"Okay lord forgive me for what I'm about to say" I said looking up to the sky.

"First off. This disrespectful shit has got to stop" he was about to cut me off but I put my hand up for him to stop before even started.

"We broke up because of this disrespectful shit. You wanted be a insecure little bitch nigga. You let your emotions get you all bent outta shape for no fucking reason. I was faithful to you. Didn't say things I wanted to because I knew it would make you mad or hurt your feeling but you know what I don't give a flying fuck anymore. You're pushed me to my limit. And I didn't even start talking to Jordan till after all that shit you said to me. So fuck outta here with that. You and Regan all bent outta shape because of Moriah? News flash I don't want him like that never have and I now I don't want you ever again like that either. And if I was sleeping with him thats no longer your business, worry bout that tramp your sharing with the entire school. Now have a nice life. I'll be over tomorrow to pick Rylee up." And with that I walked away I saw Jordan standing there looking at me with a sad face with his arms open. I walked into them and let myself fall into his chest.

I'm over him and the whole thing. I'm ready to move on without my best friend.

Mkay guys one more chapter before the epilogue. I know this book is short but that's cause I wanna save the juicy stuff in the sequel.

But did yall see Kenz go off. Omg like Ryan be trippin. Anywho love yall.

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