Chapter 8

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"You're kidding Alessandro, you've done nothing but make me feel shit, Jayden has been there for me whenever you weren't," he looked down at me and sighed, all I saw was pain.


What's his problem.



"Okay," I barely said, she searched my eyes for some sort of emotion but the only one I felt was pain.

This Jayden guy is closer to her than I'll ever be, it is too tempting to just shoot his head. The only thing stopping me is the thought of Mel hating me forever. 

I let her go and watched as she walked to our bedroom.

Damn, she has a nice ass.

My mafia is in danger, the Russian mafia is plotting something against mine and I need all the help I can get, even if that includes using Julia's power. I got a phone call while Melanie was at Jayden's house, it was an anonymous caller. Some of my guys are tracing the call. 

'Melanie the whore, she needs to be killed, she's a curse to the myth originally created by the ancestors' 

I can't explain the amount of rage I felt hearing those words from the caller.

-----MELANIE'S POV-----

He stayed in his office as I went to our room and quickly tucked myself into bed, he is such a hypocrite and a bitch too. I just want to shoot him in the dick.

I fell asleep within minutes lost in my thoughts which were obviously about Alessandro.

I don't know, there's something about him, like a magnet, I keep going back to him, I can't explain it. 

--The next morning--

I woke up to the realisation that I was deeply snuggled into Alessandro's chest, which made my head instantly turn around as I rolled over to the other side escaping his grip.

I looked back at him to see a frown with closed eyes, I smirked and quickly headed over to the bathroom. 

I looked decent.

Kind of.

I fixed myself up and went back to the room to see a perfectly dressed and freshened Alessandro.

He seriously needs to stop getting ready so fast, I was literally in the bathroom for like 5 minutes.

He smiled at me as I returned a nod and he held my hand to go downstairs for breakfast. I let go of his hand as soon as we reached the last step, his smile quickly faded making my heart drop. 

"Good morning you two, Alessandro I need you to meet your cousin, he arrived here a few days ago," Antonio smiled.

Alessandro nodded his head and I smiled back at Antonio, we headed to the table and I took a seat cheerfully.

The smile on my face dropped as soon as I saw Elias walk into the room as if he owns the place.

Don't fucking tell me he's the cousin, he could be the servant?

"Alessandro this is Elias, Elias this is Alessandro," Antonio introduced them both to each other and all three of them shared smiles.

Elias looked around the table and he laid his eyes on me with a foolish smirk.

"Is this one of your whores?" Elias looked over to Alessandro, "Mind if we share?"

Alessandro's smiley face soon turned into an angry one as if he was about to throw punches, he gritted his teeth and shut tight his fists. 

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