Chapter 13

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Followed by Julio's echo was a loud bang. A gunshot. What the fuck is Julio doing here with Julia? 

Julio. Julia.

I don't understand. Well. There's a chance Julio is her father but that's literally impossible. 

"Melanie I know you can hear me, turn around and come back or else I'll keep shooting until you bleed to death in the vents," Julio's voice was ringing in my ears harshly. I got on all fours before pushing myself to go faster until feeling a sharp pain in the back of my thigh. 


I kept in my tears on the verge of giving up and just staying in the vents until I bleed out but the sounds of cars instantly changed my mind. 

I'm almost there.  

Either I'm heading towards some underground facility or some parking lot.

----- Alessandro's Pov -----

"Julia fuck off, I don't need your help anymore, you're barely helping me find her. All you're doing is sitting in my fucking office attempting to be seductive when really it's just making me want to shoot your head which I can't fucking do because I don't feel like starting a war." I lost it. Julia is really getting on my nerves, every single lead I had, she shut it down without a second look. 

I know it's not the Russians, back when I went to the mission with my men, we left one there as an insider who is giving us information every day. I asked him whether they kidnapped Mel and he said he'd find out. Which he did. By hooking up with the leader's cousin. 

"Alessandro, I am trying to help you, I told you Julio is my father and he also went missing," she walked closer to me trying to straddle me, I simply pushed her off not giving a fuck that she just fell on the floor. 

She claims Julio is her biological father as her mother had an affair 20 years ago, it makes sense of the names but everything else is confusing. 

Julio has been working with my father and me for years, it's weird to take in. 

----- Mel's Pov -----

I made it. I pushed myself harder and harder to the point where I was going to pass out but I made it. There is a small gate fitted to the edges of the vents, with a few pushes and body slams it opened to show the beautiful streets of Italy. I fell onto the sidewalk with kids staring in horror. I realise I'm covered in blood and probably look terrifying right now. 

I lay there for a second gathering my strength while trying to breathe properly, having asthma in situations like this is just a pain in the ass. And the heart. 

A small circle of people gather around me sharing whispers with each other.

"Isn't she the girl?"

"They're looking for her everywhere!"

"Call the police! Now!"

I pushed my body up only to fall back down harshly onto the cement. A few females who look like they're in their 40's came running to me helping me. This blonde haired girl with the prettiest ocean eyes held my hand comforting me while calling the police. She had a strange look in her eyes before hugging me covering herself in my blood. She looked at me and then back at my body.

"I'm Fiorella, I work as a doctor in a nearby town and I'm a mother too, I can't imagine what you went through, but it seems like you had a miscarriage?" she introduced herself before finally showing emotion of sadness and grief.

"Yeah, I figured so too," I let out a sigh before giving her my best but weakest smile.

"The police will be here any moment, is there anyone else I can call? Your mother? I'm sure she would be worried, what about your father?" I can tell she's trying to keep me distracted while pressuring my leg making sure I don't lose too much blood. She tells the other ladies to get rid of the crowd that had formed among us. 

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