Ive got some work to do

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         Nothing!? are you serious! 'Hey! What the hell kind of reaction is this! They don't seem happy to see me at all!?' I thought.

'Huh no way... after all this time...'

"alrighty so everyone from Kyoto if you were wondering this is sukunas vessel Yuji Itadori." Gojo said.

Are you kidding. Not even the Kyoto kids care. What the hell. I thought this would be fun.

Damn that sucks for you~.

'Oh shut your trap for once. Let me be right now. My arms still hurt you bastard.'

That wasn't me that was all you~. 'shut it you sick ass hole.'

"Sukuna vessel is alive!?" Gramps yelled.

"Just who is behind this!?"

"You principle gakuganji. How's it been." Gojo sensei says with a smirk.

"You Insolent brat. Get out of my face!" He said.

"Woah, woah. Just asking." I suddenly felt a jolt. Nanbara had kicked the box.

"Hey you, you got something to say to us." She said with her arm crossed.

She had tears in her eyes. "Sorry I ... died... and came back... and didn't tell you..." I said trying to not make eye contact.

"NOW! WE WILL START THE FIRST MATCH IN THIRTY MINUTES! Remember you can NOT attack other opponents and you DEFINITELY can NOT kill them. You got that ok theeeen you are all dismissed till the round starts."

We all walk to are meting room we're I was forced into 'playing dead' "um guys depending on how you look at this it could be considered extreme bullying." I said.

yeah you should shut up. You deserve it~.

"sukuna please...not now."

"Shut up I think you've said enough" Nanbara said.

"Common now. We heard his explanation you should cut him some slack." This giant talking panda said.

"Huh a talking panda?!" Did I say that out loud!

"Sigh* salmon salmon." This albino dude said.

"What now?!" I asked.

"Inumaki is a cursed speech user. His speech amplifies the power and compilation of words... he limits his vocabulary to keep others safe" megumi said.

"So if he tells someone to go die they'd do it?" I asked.

"Cool!!!" I said with a sparkle in my eyes.

"Well it's not that simple." The panda said.

"What do you mean??" I questioned.

"Well it depends on the opponents power level. If the opponent is abnormally strong, the effects of his power could control him." He finished.

Woah!! I guess with great power comes great consequences. "So by the way. How is it you can speak is it some type of new breed of panda." I ask.

"Quit being so nosey" Nanbara said.

yeah useless shut up! 'go away I want to be happy.

'Ha. Fat chance. Now come onnnn you got some time let's go have some fun~ he hissed.

'Stop. Please I don't even have a reason to.'

What do you mean there's always a reason. I mean your clearly a burden to your friends. I mean all you've seemed to cause them is pain. Am I the only one seeing that here sukuna said.

'No I'm not a burden. They care.'

Do they now. then how do you explain that monotone reaction or how ever swings you got here they've been sad. Huh. That's you you bastard. You.

I couldn't do anything. My mind was scattered. 'Maybe he's right. I mean he has a point. All I've done is worry them and bring them down. They don't care.'

I feel panic rise up in me but I can't freak out cuz I'm in the room with them.

"So" I was snapped out of my thoughts.

"we were going to go with our original group battle plans but now we have a new member. Should we change strategies, we don't have much time" misaki said.

"Well I guess that depends on Yuji. What are your specialties?" Panda asked.

"Uhh I can punch and kick." I said frankly.

"well I'd say we're pretty set with that already." He said.

"W-what?" I said shocked

"I don't know" I heard Megumi say.

We turned are heads towards him. "But I can say this much. If we all fought him without his cursed energy he'd still win." He finished.

The second years turned there head, clearly intrigued. My mind was still a bit out of sorts and after all that I have and overwhelming urge to cut myself.

"Alright guys the round is gonna start soon so let's make are way to the court." Misaki said.

We walked for a bit but Megumi stayed behind. Said he had talk to Gojo about something. Anyway we're waiting for they game to start and I hear footsteps behind me.

"Hey Itadori?" I heard a familiar voice say.

"Huh." I turned around to meet eyes with Megumi.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

What! What was he asking me that. Did he notice me freaking out. "Y-yeah I'm fine, But I've got this big job in the game from what I've heard."

Good I played It off.

"I mean about... what happened." Megumi said. I frozen

"W-What are you talking about. Nothing happened."

He looked at me and raised an eyebrow. "Gojo told you didn't he." I said.

"Yeah... he did" Megumi replied.

"Look no matter what he said I'm fine, ok. No need to worry" I flashed him a smile and then stood up.

"Now I'm gonna go to the rest room before the first round starts." I said right as I passed him I felt myself almost break.

Once I got to the rest room the urge had gotten even more. I wanted, no I needed to cut but I didn't have a blade or anything sharp on me.

Use your finger nails. I heard sukuna say.

Usually I would argue but my mind was so set that all I could do was comply. I scratched at my scabbed arms time they ripped off and began to bleed again. The pain helped. Not only that but it felt good. i looked at my bleeding arm and now reopened was my apology to junpei.

I knew I deserved it so it put my mind at ease. When I had came back to my senses I had realized something.... This was the first time I had hurt myself...

On my own according.

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