Go fuck yourself

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                "Huh what's my type?"

'What the hell. What kinda question is that. Right now?'

"What... are you asking that RIGHT now?" I asked.

"Don't worry about it. I'm appraising you." He said.

'What the hell is this man talking about?'

"Um I don't really get it but if I had to say-" I was interrupted.

"If your into men that's cool to" he added. well that changes things a bit.

" I don't know? I guess I'd have to say I like someone with a good personality funny but also that I'm physically attracted to." I said matterafactly.

"No but like specifically. What are you physically attracted to?"

He said with a 'did you even hear my question' look on his face.

"Oh well if we're talking about specifics. I would say in a man I want someone strong who will dominate. And in a woman. Well this one is simple." I said.

He raised an eyebrow. "I like my girls like Jenifer Lawrence" I said bluntly.

Suddenly this dude just paused... suddenly he burst into tears.

'What the hell is up with this guy.'

"You never lost anyone in your hometown, huh." He said. 'What?!'

"Seems like we're best friends." He said.

"You just learned my name!" There was a moment of  silence when I felt a sort of wind.

Naturally I dodged it. When I looked up I saw an unfamiliar girl holding a gun. It was pointed at me making it obvious I was her target.

I continued to jump around the vicinity of the area as she continued I shoot at me. Suddenly there was a sword plunged at me witch I dodged doing some AMAZING acrobatics, if I do say so myself.

Suddenly there was some tree looking robot dude behind me about to shoot out some sort of futuristic lazzer. And just like that I was trapped.

'Wait are they... trying to kill me?!' I thought. 'Good damnit if I'm gonna die I'm doing it on my own accord!' i thought.

Suddenly my thought was broken. There was a clap and suddenly... I wasn't in the middle anymore.

"Itadori and I switched places" I heard who I'm assuming is todo behind them instead of me.

"Hey" he said in a deep brooding tone.

He attempted to punch the guy right I front of him but he dodged. "I told you I'd kill you if you interfered." He said coldly.

"No. Actually you didn't. You said. And I quote, 'I kill you if you order me around'." The mans with his blank eyes closed said.

"Same difference. Now piss off!" Todo said.

The other began to walk away. "Looks like he's retreating."The robot like figure said.

"Lame!" The blue haired girl yelled.

"Make sure you kill him" the dude said.

"That's not my choice .it all depends on Itadori. And like I said before... don't order me around." Todo finished.

'What is with these guys? Trying to kill me and then abruptly arguing.' I thought. I begun to snicker to myself.

I was about to stand up. Y'know to go down and give him a hand in beating them up, but when I tried to stand up I got dizzy.

'What the hell' I thought.

Look down kid. I heard sukuna hiss.

I looked down on my left side on saw copious amounts of blood dripping from my arm.

'What the hell!' I thought again although this time more shocked. 'Is that why Todo is protecting me?' I questioned.

I looked around my arm rolling up my sleeves to check if I got shoot or something but there was nothing. The only areas bleeding were....

That's right kid. You did this. Not them. Not me. You. I wanted to argue but he was right.

I did this.


My breathing become uneven as I was still trying to stop myself from falling but I soon lost my grip from my shaking and sweating.

And just like that I was falling. It felt slow. My breathing still labored. Everything that was happening had left my mind.

In fact I forgot why I was freaking out. It was peaceful. It felt amazing. 'I want to feel this again' I thought.

I was taken from my thoughts by hitting the floor. I had the wind knocked out of me and was now actually about to pass out.

As my eyes were closing I heard Gojo on the intercoms yell, "Itadori Yuji has been eliminated. He is no longer a target so you may NOT attack him." Gojo finished.

It then went black...

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