Dont call me nice again

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                  i woke up to my arm aching. 'damn.' my stomach growled. 'i should go eat something-' i started. i was about to get up to eat when i felt myself get weak and slump down.

i remembered there what sukuna said last night.

its all that blubber weighing you down.

suddenly i didn't feel hungry anymore. I know this is stupid and not healthy but the feeling of emptiness felt good. Although I don't know if I should've trusted my self as my own judgement ( and this asshole in my head ) have only lead me to continuously harm myself.

suddenly, i felt contempt. i decided instead of going out for breakfast just sleep in more.

It's all that blubber weighing you down.

God why was it getting to me. I knew he's only doing this because he no longer needs to try and get me to hurt myself.


"Yuji~" I heard a familiar voice say.

'It's Gojo.' I thought mentally eye rolling. I don't have any problem with Gojo. I mean he's like a father to me, but at this current moment I'm not in the mood to deal with anyone.

He knocked at the door a few times more wile calling my name before walking in. He looked at me as I was faced down on the bed ass sticking straight up like a idiot.

"Yuji I called you back like an hour ago. At first I thought you were sleeping so I left it alone... but I think you should eat before it gets cold." He said.

"Thanks gojo, but I'm not really that hungry. I think after earlier, I just need some time." I said.

He seemed to have bought it and he left. I looked up at the ceiling. 'What is up with me. This is so not me. I mean when my grandpa died I never had any thoughts to do any of this..

Although. Back then none of this happend. I wasent possessed by sukana, and it wasent my fault my grandpa died... but it was my fault junpei did' I thought.

Just the thought of junpei brought tears to my eyes. What's wrong kid~. "Shut the hell up you ignorant shit fuck. Your still not strong enough to take my body." I said.

Damn ya hit a nerve there~ i just ignored him. I got up out of my bed and decided to go out on a walk to clear my head.

I walked to the front room. As I got closer the voices of gojo and Nanami. Gojo was being a spaz and talking about god knows who at and nanami was giving little "mhmms" every once in awhile to please him.

Once I was in the room I made my way to the door when I was stoped

"where do you think your going" I heard nanami say.

"Well, "dad" I'm going on a walk to clear my head any problems." I replied snarkly.

"Hey who the he-" Gojo started but was stoped by Nanami.

"Let him go, he needs some fresh air." Nanami replied.

Gojo scowled at him and then looked at me. "Gone to long and I'm coming to look for you" Gojo said.

I just walked out the door. 'Gojo overreacted. What was that about' I thought. I soon remembered what they were talking about when I woke up and how they were catching on to what I was doing.

'Damn' I snapped at myself face palming.

Kid we're out here in the open, we can do whatever~

"Shut it small dick let me have five minutes of peace please." I said.

Damn man that small wee wee comment was uncalled for.

"God please would you shut up" I said desperation and sobs tinging my words.

Kid if you want me to go away you know what you have to do~

I let out a sob lowering my body to the floor till my head hit the floor. With my legs curled under me and my hands bawled in a fist against the floor I began to sob louder.

Everything that had happened had all came flooding back to me. Everything. I was loosing it.

That's not what I meant and you know it. Get up. Useless piece of shit get up and do what I asked so all go away! He spat angerliy

"Shut up! Just shut the hell up!" I yell.

"I-I just wanted to b-be normal. I wanted family and fa-friends. But you! You have company ruined it! So you know what maybe I will slit my wrists right here right now to get you to shut the hell up forever,because guess what buddy tonight we're going out!" I yelled.

What the hell are you going on about kid? He said sounding almost a little scared.

"Tonight to disgusting beings are Gina leave this earth. Cuz we're going down together mother fucker!" I said as I grab the blade and put it to my wrist.

Oh... fuck... I messed up this time.ok kid just don't do it.

"Ohhh. Now that it effects you you care. Well boo hoo cry me a river. All see you in hell."

My hand was shaking causing me to cut oddly as some slits were shallow and some were deep.

I continued to add more and more slits. As the blood started to pool and I realized I had about 23 cuts between each arm at that point.

I continued to add more and more. And then I realized he hasn't been talking.

"You've decided to be quiet now!? Maybe this will get you to talk" I yelled yaming the knife into the check he's been torturing me from.

Suddenly everything was quiet.

But that wasent for long. I soon began to panic. Blood was dripping from my face into the puddle from why arms. Pain began to spread throughout my body as it finally registered the injuries I had caused.

I began to sob and scream at the same time, hiccups spontaneously inturupting. I griped my hair not knowing what to do with my self. My instinct was to call for help so I yelled. I yelled and I yelled for anyone.

'Jesus Christ. I've lost my fucking mind.'


'I'm crazy.'

I soon heard a crowd of pounding footsteps. I tried to foucus my vision. Sobs still ripping through my chest and slamming out my mouth.

'I've actually gone insane'

I heard gags and gasps but before I could register anything else...

it was pitch black.

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