Im mean... not nice... i think

141 7 2

      Megumi got up and sighed. I eyed him as he walked out of the bathroom. He slouched down onto the desk chair and begun to aggressively type of his phone.

I get up a little wobbly but am Abel to steady. I steadily made my way over to him.

'What are you doing kid. your not done.' I paused half way there.

I sighed and continued walking over to Megumi. I sat down on the bed behind him and  saw him looking up "how to help an anorexic"

'Stupid dose he not know your fat.'

"Hey. Y'know I'm not anorexic right." I said.

"Maybe not yet. Your showing symptoms and are losing weight rapidly." He said vary matter a factly.

'Stupid kid is he blind.'
"Are you blind!", i yell accidentally.

He's looks back at me surprised.

"What do you mean "am I blind" he says with a tinge of annoyance.

Shit I didn't mean to say that out loud. Stupid stupid.

"Well I-"

"You think your fat." He said bluntly.

I didn't bother answering. He just sighed and looked back down at his phone. He sighed again and set his phone down.

He turned around and looked at me straight in the eyes.

"Number 1. We create a designated time for you to eat. Number 2. Eating in the same place if possible. Number 3. either me, Gojo, or Nanami must be there while you are eating. Number 4. Begin to keep a notebook tracking how much you eat and how many calories and how you feel. Number 5. You ALWAYS have somone there while your eating. It dosent matter if you don't feel the need to puke." He finished.

My cheeks heated up.

"I hate this." I accidentally said out loud.

"I know this isn't ideal but it's for the best. Just until your stable enough not to listen to that monster sukana feeding you these lies." He said.

There the truth tho I thought but didn't say out loud knowing that would only make things worse.

"Com'on Yuji we should head back to sleep now that we got this figured out." I hasn't nodes and moved to my bed.

I was waiting to hear him do the same but I never did. I turned around from the wall to look at the full room and I saw him sitting in his chair scrolling through his phone.

"What are you doing"I asked.

"Making sure you go to sleep."

"I'm not two you don't have to-"

"I do. How do I know that the minute I fall asleep you run in that bathroom and hack out the only substanence you've put in your body in the past three days.." he said.

Guilt twinged my heart as I heard that. I could say anything I was to ashamed so I just turned around twards the wall and drifted to sleep.


I woke up the next morning at around 7:46 am. Megumi was still asleep so I got up and begun to head to the bathroom. I attempted to open the door but it wouldn't budge.

"Huh" I whispered.

I begin to aggressively push the handle up and down. Shit it may be jammed.

I go in over to wake up Megumi. I shake him a bit.

"Mhmm. What" he asked groggily.

"I think the bathroom door is jammed." I said.

"Oh, that. It's not jammed." He said beginning to wake a a bit more.

"What. The why can't I get in." I asked.

"Cuz i don't trust you to make smart decisions." He said.

Once again my cheeks heated up in embarrassment and humility and a bit of anger.

"I- I can make smart decisions." I said with a twinge of salt.

He looked at me up and down.

"Your decisions these past few days say otherwise. Plus your not supposed to use the restroom without anyone there." He says unlocking the door.

He pushed it open.

"there"he said.

I looked at him and glared before making my way into the room.

Megumi closed the door almost all the way for my privacy but left a crack so he could hear if I opened any drawers or big in to hack out my food.

I finessed my business and washed my hands, a little embarrassed to walk out knowing he was right there.

I opened the door looking down at my feet. I didn't dare look at him. I was to embarrassed. He closed the door and locked it behind me. Making sure to put the key in his pocket we're I can't get it.

Watching him shove it I. His pocket was infuriating

"Com'on let's go get some food. Alright" he held out his hand for me to take.

I looked at him for a second up and down.

"Dude Com'on you've gotta eat. Plus I need to inform Gojo about the out restroom or he'll be freaked out." He said chuckling a bit.

But I found nothing about that funny. It was only infuriatingly embarrassing. I felt like a helpless lost child.

Not even alowed to be alone for two seconds.

I would rather die.

I took a deep breath before reluctantly grabbing his hand I just grabbed his hand letting him guide me out of the room.

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