And i wont feel anyting

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We walked back to the 'dorm' and as we walked in my room I noticed an extra bed.

"Wha-" I started, looking at megumi, tho he didn't seem fazed at all.

"We're roommates now yuji." He stated.

"But... I. Never mind" I said pouting.

"When did they even have time to do this?" I questioned.

"Well Nanami was still here so I assume he did it. Although I was already informed earlier of this." He said.

I groaned.

"God. I'm not two." I moaned.

"No but your mentally unstable. And since you can't be trusted by yourself your with me." He said.

I couldn't help but feel embarrassed after he said that. Though it was about 10:30. I was exhausted. I yawned intactly.

"You've had a long day. Why don't you eat and go to bed." Megumi suggested. The bringing up of eating made my short lived hapieness disappear.

Sukanas words poked my my thoughts like a knife. "I-I'm not really hungry" I said. He opened his mouth as if to say more but shut it.

"I get it. A lot went on. I mean just this morning you 'came back to life'. Then we have the games the your at shokos then back here and we're playing baseball. It honestly dosent seem humanly possible for that Mach to go on in one day." He stated.

I didn't respond. My mood now reminisced back to how it was not 4 hours ago. That being wanting to throw myself of a cliff. So I just put on a t-shirt and sweat shorts.

I looked at my warped arms, covered in a thick layer of gauze to protect the freshly stitched cuts beneath.

I went into the rest room about to shut the door when it was caught by someone,

"dude what the hell?" I questioned but he said nothing.

All he did was make sure it was cracked before walking to his bed. 'God dam it. Now you can't cut' I heard him say.

Sukana. I was getting used to not hearing his voice but ofcorce. My life can't be normal for mare that an hour.

'I think that's the only thing we can I agree on.' Thought. Even though I didn't say it out loud he knew what I was thinking.

'Even if the door was shut they took all my sharp objects' I told him. 'Dam it'

"Hey what's taking so long?" He said with a bit of concern in his voice as he came to the cracked door.

"Nothing, nothing. Just... thinking" I said.

"About...?" He asked.

"Nothing important." I said putting tooth paste on my brush.

I heard the door creek and a single foot step into the small bathroom where I was stationed.

He put his cold hand on my shoulder and stepped closer. His mouth was almost in my ear.

"We're this thinking of self harm?" He questioned in a quiet tone.

It sent a shiver down my spine as his hot breath uttered words I frankly didn't want to hear.

"I well-" I couldn't finish.

My face heated up a bit. He moved his head away from my ear and I turned my head to face him.

"Don't think about that." He said moving his arm from my shoulder to my forearm, lightly holding it.

I doubt his intention was to be 'charming' and 'hot' but it sure felt like it was.

"Com'on Yuji. Finish brushing your teeth so we can sleep." He said yawning and walking out.

I was so she'll shocked from the interaction that had just happened.

I soon stuck the tooth brush in my mouth and mindlessly moved it around. I then quietly walked to my bed and under the covers.

As warmth enveloped me, It became increasingly hard to keep my eyes open and soon, I drifted of into sleep.

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